Test. Two strips.
Life is!
Inside of you was born a new creature, yet quite small, but very brave and strong. After all, he has a long and fascinating road of development from one cell to a perfect body, and instead of a soul, to become a man!
What a pity that so often these little creatures do not originate in the Love of the Great and not in the thoughts of their creation, but just in sex, so bare and very unromantic. What a pity that not all moms and daddy think and take care of their babies before their birth, believing that these few cells still feel and understand what is happening can not, because not born, or because they simply can not be seen. But after only 5-6 weeks after conception have babies heart starts beating ...
So can feel the babies while still in the womb? Does the way the child was conceived as far proceeded safely, pregnancy and childbirth in the future develops? And if we can, ultimately, affect the character of our kids before they are born? Look at the facts.
In the 70 years of the twentieth century a new direction in science - Perinatal Psychology. In simple words, the perinatal psychology studies the effect of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period to further the character and inner qualities of people. Perinatal psychology come from allegations that develop inside the maternal womb of man has long-term memory. That is all that is happening during these periods (pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum period), the kid learns at the level of cellular memory, and based on this experience in future builds its relations with the world and yourself.
To begin with conception. Psychological studies confirm that welcome children conceived in love, have a greater life potential and acquire in the womb experience "paradise", which is crucial for a full-fledged human.
In the initial period of development (first trimester) is laid not only physical but also mental health, child and such important characteristics of personality as related to themselves and others, intellectual potential, pattern of behavior when faced with difficulties, and to some extent, nature and destiny of man . In many ways, it all depends on the emotional well-being of parents and, in particular, mothers baby.
Therefore, the reaction to his mother's pregnancy has a very strong influence on the little man. If rejection of this fact in the child a feeling reluctance and rejection, which, in turn, transformed into a feeling of uselessness. Born, these children are often asked: "Mom, you love me?"
Even worse is the case with a failed abortion. The kid who had undergone such an attempt, "knows" that his presence is undesirable, but his life is in danger. According to psychologists, he is going through its almost held on murder and horror of death with amazing accuracy. These children then often have suicidal thoughts, which are a direct projection of the mother's thoughts at the beginning of their common path.
That is, the perception of the child itself depends on the attitude of parents to him. If mom and dad love and say that he is the best, the baby will grow, blossom and bring joy. And that man's relation to itself begins to take shape in the womb.
For example, the unwanted children in addition to various deviations in health status (high incidence of respiratory diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia, enuresis, atopic dermatitis, ulcers) revealed a number of psychological characteristics that interfere with their adaptation to society. They often conflict, seeking to stand out, attract attention, which is their way of self-affirmation. They are prone to antisocial acts. Little People, past the first school of hatred and rejection, even in the womb, carry these feelings with each other and regularly "use" them in their lives. So people need to learn to be happy because in the womb of this experience, they have not received.
In addition, scientists have proved an interesting fact - the excessive desire to get the child of a particular sex (especially if that desire is not justified) is fraught with violations of sexual orientation rights in the future. In the end, maybe not so important who you will have: a boy or a girl?
Among other things, established that a child while in the womb, not only reacts to thoughts of mother, to change her emotions, but their lives together with her. Can you imagine what the kid feels, mother is in a fit of jealousy and rage hits the kitchen utensils? Since forming prenatal experience, which may well become dominant after birth.
It was found that with the greatest probability of mother to child transmitted to the emotional states such as fear - 60% Aggression - 54% crying - 59%. Thus, we can conclude that the probability of direct teaching these emotions!
But if negative emotions are transmitted, it means that we can talk about the opposite effect! If a baby is like, if mom and dad happy, but pregnancy is full of calmness and positive emotions, the baby absorbs only a positive experience, and thus learn to be loyal, tolerant, and responsive ... Anyway, the way his parents want to see! And to do this you need something - be yourself happy, showing by example that this condition is natural for him! Having survived the "paradise" mom in the tummy, the little man will grow up healthy and open to the world, it will be easier to adapt to new conditions, so - better to develop.
And if my mother would always talk to your baby, sing him songs, tell stories, draw pictures, "led" in a theater, a walk in the fresh air, exercise and think about how it wants to see: a healthy, beautiful, strong, intelligent and happy ...
If the period of fetal development largely determines the character traits of people, the process of childbirth, according to psychologists, often becomes a scenario of life. That is how the person was born, and will determine its actions (or inaction) in the future. After birth - this is the first challenge on the way baby, he should be able to overcome and emerge victorious.
In this vein, several important aspects:
The first - is the ratio of mother to leave. For a kid it is imperative that she was not afraid, but happy to be starting the process. After all, childbirth - first and foremost, partnerships mother-child, and here there is a question of confidence in people. Can a child with her mother and into the fire and into the water? And if not, then who to trust?
Second - the importance of passing the baby all stages of the generic process itself. Let me explain why.
Period of contractions seen the baby as a difficult situation from which he still sees no way out (fight intensified, and the cervix closed). Here's the important mother's support, not panic. If there is a positive perception of the parents of the situation, then the baby is aware that there are no insurmountable difficulties. Such an understanding of it and project the future life.
Period of any attempts (movement of the child through the birth canal) gives the kid experience to overcome these difficulties, struggle and activity. Such children grow their own, they realize that everything in their hands and therefore can not sit waiting for manna from heaven.
But babies born by Caesarean section, have no such experience. They are not able to overcome difficulties, often questioned in their abilities, and expecting someone to do the job for them. They are worse, and little ability to adapt to any restrictions.
Artificial stimulation of labor also affects the human psyche. As a result, grow up people who are skeptical about where they go and how to achieve their goals. They find it difficult to start a business because they always feel unprepared for this, and parents all the time necessary to stimulate them to action. But the planned delivery, so popular now, always carried out with the help of hormonal stimulation and in 80% of cases in the caesarean section. There is much to ponder, eh? Especially if you remember that the script is the birth of the future scenario of life.
And then it happened! He was born! So small and defenseless.
Psychologists say that post-natal period is very important too. How the child was received, it creates a basic trust in the world. If a child feels love, joy, not violence, if the first thing he feels - it's the caring hands of his father or mother, and so familiar, the sound of my mother's heart, his mind is formed by the perception of the world as a joyful, warm, welcoming and safe. And not that what we want for our children?
Love your kids from the first moment of conception (though better, of course, before that), care even before you see them personally grateful eyes, draw a picture of the Soul, sing them lullabies, tell tales, iron stomach - they all feel and understand . And then, having been born, they will reward your labors by their happy smiles, good health and active development! And what could be more beautiful and more desirable than to watch and rejoice as grows the most important man in the world - your child?
Life is!
Inside of you was born a new creature, yet quite small, but very brave and strong. After all, he has a long and fascinating road of development from one cell to a perfect body, and instead of a soul, to become a man!
What a pity that so often these little creatures do not originate in the Love of the Great and not in the thoughts of their creation, but just in sex, so bare and very unromantic. What a pity that not all moms and daddy think and take care of their babies before their birth, believing that these few cells still feel and understand what is happening can not, because not born, or because they simply can not be seen. But after only 5-6 weeks after conception have babies heart starts beating ...
So can feel the babies while still in the womb? Does the way the child was conceived as far proceeded safely, pregnancy and childbirth in the future develops? And if we can, ultimately, affect the character of our kids before they are born? Look at the facts.
In the 70 years of the twentieth century a new direction in science - Perinatal Psychology. In simple words, the perinatal psychology studies the effect of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period to further the character and inner qualities of people. Perinatal psychology come from allegations that develop inside the maternal womb of man has long-term memory. That is all that is happening during these periods (pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum period), the kid learns at the level of cellular memory, and based on this experience in future builds its relations with the world and yourself.
To begin with conception. Psychological studies confirm that welcome children conceived in love, have a greater life potential and acquire in the womb experience "paradise", which is crucial for a full-fledged human.
In the initial period of development (first trimester) is laid not only physical but also mental health, child and such important characteristics of personality as related to themselves and others, intellectual potential, pattern of behavior when faced with difficulties, and to some extent, nature and destiny of man . In many ways, it all depends on the emotional well-being of parents and, in particular, mothers baby.
Therefore, the reaction to his mother's pregnancy has a very strong influence on the little man. If rejection of this fact in the child a feeling reluctance and rejection, which, in turn, transformed into a feeling of uselessness. Born, these children are often asked: "Mom, you love me?"
Even worse is the case with a failed abortion. The kid who had undergone such an attempt, "knows" that his presence is undesirable, but his life is in danger. According to psychologists, he is going through its almost held on murder and horror of death with amazing accuracy. These children then often have suicidal thoughts, which are a direct projection of the mother's thoughts at the beginning of their common path.
That is, the perception of the child itself depends on the attitude of parents to him. If mom and dad love and say that he is the best, the baby will grow, blossom and bring joy. And that man's relation to itself begins to take shape in the womb.
For example, the unwanted children in addition to various deviations in health status (high incidence of respiratory diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia, enuresis, atopic dermatitis, ulcers) revealed a number of psychological characteristics that interfere with their adaptation to society. They often conflict, seeking to stand out, attract attention, which is their way of self-affirmation. They are prone to antisocial acts. Little People, past the first school of hatred and rejection, even in the womb, carry these feelings with each other and regularly "use" them in their lives. So people need to learn to be happy because in the womb of this experience, they have not received.
In addition, scientists have proved an interesting fact - the excessive desire to get the child of a particular sex (especially if that desire is not justified) is fraught with violations of sexual orientation rights in the future. In the end, maybe not so important who you will have: a boy or a girl?
Among other things, established that a child while in the womb, not only reacts to thoughts of mother, to change her emotions, but their lives together with her. Can you imagine what the kid feels, mother is in a fit of jealousy and rage hits the kitchen utensils? Since forming prenatal experience, which may well become dominant after birth.
It was found that with the greatest probability of mother to child transmitted to the emotional states such as fear - 60% Aggression - 54% crying - 59%. Thus, we can conclude that the probability of direct teaching these emotions!
But if negative emotions are transmitted, it means that we can talk about the opposite effect! If a baby is like, if mom and dad happy, but pregnancy is full of calmness and positive emotions, the baby absorbs only a positive experience, and thus learn to be loyal, tolerant, and responsive ... Anyway, the way his parents want to see! And to do this you need something - be yourself happy, showing by example that this condition is natural for him! Having survived the "paradise" mom in the tummy, the little man will grow up healthy and open to the world, it will be easier to adapt to new conditions, so - better to develop.
And if my mother would always talk to your baby, sing him songs, tell stories, draw pictures, "led" in a theater, a walk in the fresh air, exercise and think about how it wants to see: a healthy, beautiful, strong, intelligent and happy ...
If the period of fetal development largely determines the character traits of people, the process of childbirth, according to psychologists, often becomes a scenario of life. That is how the person was born, and will determine its actions (or inaction) in the future. After birth - this is the first challenge on the way baby, he should be able to overcome and emerge victorious.
In this vein, several important aspects:
The first - is the ratio of mother to leave. For a kid it is imperative that she was not afraid, but happy to be starting the process. After all, childbirth - first and foremost, partnerships mother-child, and here there is a question of confidence in people. Can a child with her mother and into the fire and into the water? And if not, then who to trust?
Second - the importance of passing the baby all stages of the generic process itself. Let me explain why.
Period of contractions seen the baby as a difficult situation from which he still sees no way out (fight intensified, and the cervix closed). Here's the important mother's support, not panic. If there is a positive perception of the parents of the situation, then the baby is aware that there are no insurmountable difficulties. Such an understanding of it and project the future life.
Period of any attempts (movement of the child through the birth canal) gives the kid experience to overcome these difficulties, struggle and activity. Such children grow their own, they realize that everything in their hands and therefore can not sit waiting for manna from heaven.
But babies born by Caesarean section, have no such experience. They are not able to overcome difficulties, often questioned in their abilities, and expecting someone to do the job for them. They are worse, and little ability to adapt to any restrictions.
Artificial stimulation of labor also affects the human psyche. As a result, grow up people who are skeptical about where they go and how to achieve their goals. They find it difficult to start a business because they always feel unprepared for this, and parents all the time necessary to stimulate them to action. But the planned delivery, so popular now, always carried out with the help of hormonal stimulation and in 80% of cases in the caesarean section. There is much to ponder, eh? Especially if you remember that the script is the birth of the future scenario of life.
And then it happened! He was born! So small and defenseless.
Psychologists say that post-natal period is very important too. How the child was received, it creates a basic trust in the world. If a child feels love, joy, not violence, if the first thing he feels - it's the caring hands of his father or mother, and so familiar, the sound of my mother's heart, his mind is formed by the perception of the world as a joyful, warm, welcoming and safe. And not that what we want for our children?
Love your kids from the first moment of conception (though better, of course, before that), care even before you see them personally grateful eyes, draw a picture of the Soul, sing them lullabies, tell tales, iron stomach - they all feel and understand . And then, having been born, they will reward your labors by their happy smiles, good health and active development! And what could be more beautiful and more desirable than to watch and rejoice as grows the most important man in the world - your child?