Hemorrhoids - a painful increase in the diameter of the anal veins, which appear due to nodes that bring discomfort and pain, and also protruding from the anus or rectum. Hemorrhoids - it's not uncommon for the last three months of pregnancy, as well as for post-partum period.
Factors contributing to the development of hemorrhoids in pregnancy and the postpartum period
During pregnancy, the occurrence of hemorrhoids is caused perezhimaniem changed in size uterus veins of the intestine, which causes the deterioration of blood from the intestines and the perineum. Vienna, too filled with blood, increasing in diameter, and protrude in the form of soft and painful blisters. Another reason, which occupies an important place as is the presence of recurrent constipation. Between the inner surface of intestinal constipation, and under her hemorrhoidal veins are experiencing strong increases in diameter and trauma during the propulsion of solid feces. A sedentary lifestyle in the last trimester of gestation is also a factor in provoking the appearance of hemorrhoids, as a sedentary lifestyle causes a deterioration of blood flow and deterioration of muscle tone colon and perineum. In the period of hemorrhoids usually appears when too straining muscles of the perineum and increase clearance of hemorrhoidal veins during any attempts generic.
Stage in the development of hemorrhoids in pregnant women
There are three stages of the disease:
The first stage is characterized by sagging of nodes in the gut, but they are invisible to the anus.The second stage is characterized by depressed host of the anus (often while sitting or squatting during defecation), but after a while they are drawn. The third stage is characterized by the fact that the nodes are constantly in the sagging condition and are not drawn.
Signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids in pregnant and postpartum
Particularly frequently observed symptoms of hemorrhoids are:
- Pain during bowel movements, discharge of blood or the presence of red blood on stool
- Discomfort in the anal area, more prominent in the movement, bowel movements, lasting seating from the anus soft sites fall, touching which causes discomfort
- Women immediately after childbirth pain, which provokes the hemorrhoids are sometimes confused with pain that appear after birth. But if the pain does not go long enough and there are other signs of illness, it may indicate the presence of hemorrhoids.
How is the diagnosis of hemorrhoids during pregnancy?
Diagnosis of hemorrhoids during pregnancy carried out in order to detect disease, but also not miss the development of severe disease and complications.
The main ways to diagnose hemorrhoids during pregnancy are:
- Palpation of the rectum - a survey of nodes finger
- Sigmoidoscopy and anoscope - examination of the rectum and anus with the use of special devices.
Therapy of hemorrhoids in pregnant women and postpartum
Therapy of hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy is not exactly like that of other categories of patients. Thus, surgery to remove nodes during gestation is almost not appointed. Therapy is carried out mainly with medication, diet control, as well as ways to warn the aggravation.
Thus, the main methods of therapy of hemorrhoids are:
1. Treatment and prevention of constipation - is the main point in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
2. Hygiene - cleaning the anus and perineum with water at room temperature after each bowel movement. To avoid scratches on the nodes should be used only very high-quality toilet paper. You should not do sit-bath, so as not to provoke the emergence of infections of the vagina.
3. Preparations of hemorrhoids (ultraprokt, aurobin, Relief, nefluan, gepatrombin T) during gestation is used mainly in the form of external funds (ointments, suppositories, gels). These drugs do not have systemic action and are generally not harmful to the fetus. But without consulting a gynecologist you should not use any funds.
Surgery in the treatment of this category of patients is usually not granted. It is used only in cases of severe complications is not controlled by other methods.
Therapy of hemorrhoids in the postpartum period can be carried out by conventional methods.
Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy
Due to the fact that this is a very common disease, its prevention must be addressed from the very onset of pregnancy after consulting gynecologist.
Prevention of hemorrhoids includes literate diet, in which a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables and dairy products. Should try to prevent constipation. After a bowel movement to undermine the anus with water at room temperature.
Factors contributing to the development of hemorrhoids in pregnancy and the postpartum period
During pregnancy, the occurrence of hemorrhoids is caused perezhimaniem changed in size uterus veins of the intestine, which causes the deterioration of blood from the intestines and the perineum. Vienna, too filled with blood, increasing in diameter, and protrude in the form of soft and painful blisters. Another reason, which occupies an important place as is the presence of recurrent constipation. Between the inner surface of intestinal constipation, and under her hemorrhoidal veins are experiencing strong increases in diameter and trauma during the propulsion of solid feces. A sedentary lifestyle in the last trimester of gestation is also a factor in provoking the appearance of hemorrhoids, as a sedentary lifestyle causes a deterioration of blood flow and deterioration of muscle tone colon and perineum. In the period of hemorrhoids usually appears when too straining muscles of the perineum and increase clearance of hemorrhoidal veins during any attempts generic.
Stage in the development of hemorrhoids in pregnant women
There are three stages of the disease:
The first stage is characterized by sagging of nodes in the gut, but they are invisible to the anus.The second stage is characterized by depressed host of the anus (often while sitting or squatting during defecation), but after a while they are drawn. The third stage is characterized by the fact that the nodes are constantly in the sagging condition and are not drawn.
Signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids in pregnant and postpartum
Particularly frequently observed symptoms of hemorrhoids are:
- Pain during bowel movements, discharge of blood or the presence of red blood on stool
- Discomfort in the anal area, more prominent in the movement, bowel movements, lasting seating from the anus soft sites fall, touching which causes discomfort
- Women immediately after childbirth pain, which provokes the hemorrhoids are sometimes confused with pain that appear after birth. But if the pain does not go long enough and there are other signs of illness, it may indicate the presence of hemorrhoids.
How is the diagnosis of hemorrhoids during pregnancy?
Diagnosis of hemorrhoids during pregnancy carried out in order to detect disease, but also not miss the development of severe disease and complications.
The main ways to diagnose hemorrhoids during pregnancy are:
- Palpation of the rectum - a survey of nodes finger
- Sigmoidoscopy and anoscope - examination of the rectum and anus with the use of special devices.
Therapy of hemorrhoids in pregnant women and postpartum
Therapy of hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy is not exactly like that of other categories of patients. Thus, surgery to remove nodes during gestation is almost not appointed. Therapy is carried out mainly with medication, diet control, as well as ways to warn the aggravation.
Thus, the main methods of therapy of hemorrhoids are:
1. Treatment and prevention of constipation - is the main point in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
2. Hygiene - cleaning the anus and perineum with water at room temperature after each bowel movement. To avoid scratches on the nodes should be used only very high-quality toilet paper. You should not do sit-bath, so as not to provoke the emergence of infections of the vagina.
3. Preparations of hemorrhoids (ultraprokt, aurobin, Relief, nefluan, gepatrombin T) during gestation is used mainly in the form of external funds (ointments, suppositories, gels). These drugs do not have systemic action and are generally not harmful to the fetus. But without consulting a gynecologist you should not use any funds.
Surgery in the treatment of this category of patients is usually not granted. It is used only in cases of severe complications is not controlled by other methods.
Therapy of hemorrhoids in the postpartum period can be carried out by conventional methods.
Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy
Due to the fact that this is a very common disease, its prevention must be addressed from the very onset of pregnancy after consulting gynecologist.
Prevention of hemorrhoids includes literate diet, in which a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables and dairy products. Should try to prevent constipation. After a bowel movement to undermine the anus with water at room temperature.
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