There are couples who immediately after the wedding Acquires offspring. There are those who are not in a hurry to have kids. But sooner or later there is a desire at all. In such cases, you want as soon as possible to realize our plans and to conceive a long-awaited baby.
I should say that the probability of getting pregnant on the first or the second times in healthy couples. In this regard, medical consultation, a number of laboratory studies without disturbing anyone. A woman needs to visit a gynecologist, who will also appoint a number of tests. Such checks are needed and to his wife calmly, without fear of any hidden diseases, planning a baby.
In order to materialize the conception, requires a combination of two factors: the healthy sperm and ovulation. Therefore, for the conception of literally the first time, it is preferable to intercourse on the day of ovulation. To calculate when ovulation occur, it should be the duration of the cycle take fourteen days. The resulting number will be the day of the menstrual cycle, which is most likely to conceive. It should be borne in mind that the sperm does not die for five days and conception can occur later. It is therefore desirable to begin mating to conception for five days before ovulation. The easiest method to determine ovulation for women with irregular cycles - is to buy in a pharmacy special rapid test method can be used basal body temperature, but it requires daily measurements of temperature.
Now for the second condition the probability of pregnancy at first - the quality of sperm. Fully produced new sperm in a man for eight weeks. So, two months before the planned conception to start a healthy lifestyle as possible to quit smoking, not drinking alcohol, be more in the fresh air and engage in charge. On semen quality can also affect tight clothing (pants, underwear), heated seats in your car and hot tubs.
There are several factors that help increase the chances of getting pregnant as quickly as possible. These include:
Time of year. It is believed that conception occurs easier in the last few weeks of autumn or during the first weeks of spring. The reason is that the fall in tissue accumulates the most beneficial vitamins from fruits and vegetables, the body is strengthened by UV. In the spring all life wakes up and begins a new cycle in nature. Therefore, in this period is also very beneficial pregnancy. The greatest number of sex hormones in the body in the morning, which is also beneficial to the possibility of conception.
Normal weight. In women, malnourished, as well as a chance to quickly get pregnant lower than women of normal stature. Incidentally, the weight also affects the quality of sperm, so the stronger sex, too, it is useful to take care of their weight. You should not load yourself with powerful physical exercise - it interferes with sperm production.
Bad habits. At the fair sex, abuse of nicotine, the likelihood of pregnancy is reduced by one third. It is desirable to reduce the amount of caffeine-containing foods and beverages.
Proper nutrition. To increase the probability of conception should be introduced into the diet more greens, salads, spinach, wholemeal bread, cereals. If your menstrual cycle is irregular, sometimes it helps to enrich the diet products containing a large amount of iron: liver, meat, apples and beans. To activate the sperm of a man shown in nuts, fish and meat.
According to the calculations of physicians, the highest number of conceptions produced in the "missionary" position. Partner position - lying on your back with your feet raised, to create optimal conditions for sperm. At the time, it should refrain from oral sex, as in the saliva of a substance inhibiting the activity of spermatozoa.
At the time to stop taking medications, especially antibiotics. May also have a negative impact on the probability of conception, and some personal care products. It is advisable to avoid contact with paints. Peace of mind favorable effect on fertility. It should clear your head of negative thoughts, be more in the fresh air, breathe the vapors of healing oils, take baths with soothing salts.