Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Probability of Getting Pregnant After Giving Birth

Many women believe that before the onset of first menstruation after childbirth chance of becoming pregnant is zero. And they are very much mistaken.Often, breast-feeding delays the onset of menstruation. But at the same time ovulation occurs. That is, conception is possible.

Need to say recently given birth mom, that in the first six weeks after giving birth may not be desired sexual acts. The reason is that the system of reproduction is recovering after giving birth. Internal genital organs are returned to pre-natal state. It is very likely in this period of infections.

Fairly reliable method to reduce the likelihood of getting pregnant after giving birth is lactational amenorrhea. The probability of getting pregnant with this method of contraception is only one - two percent. The same efficiency, for example, the hormonal contraceptive pill. For the onset of contraceptive effect should breastfeed the baby at least eight times a day and up to ten times better. Feeding should be carried out at the request of an infant day intervals should not be more than four hours, and night - no more than six hours. Moreover, if the number of daily feedings is sharply reduced, it may reduce the contraceptive effect. In this period should not be menstruating. It is also desirable to use this method no longer than six months after birth. Further, the reliability of this method significantly decreases the probability of becoming pregnant increases.

Strongly not recommended for use in postpartum contraception calendar and temperature method.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Probability of Getting Pregnant with Condom

Will surprise the fact that condom use is not preferable as a contraceptive and as a means of protecting from disease, sexually transmitted diseases. After all, in fifty percent of copulations (!) With the use of condoms is likely to become pregnant.

This is especially true owners of a large penis. The fact is that when putting a condom on a big penis stretching places are formed, which is thinner than the rest of the surface of the condom. During the intense friction of these places thin, through which sperm can penetrate the genital tract of women. Thus, the risk of pregnancy partner is fifty percent.

It happens so that the condom breaks during intercourse right. A similar case with vaginal dryness. In this regard, you should either use a special lubricant, or diligently to bring a woman to act, to a sufficient quantity of natural lubrication.

There are also some defective condoms. The quality of latex is very much influenced by storage conditions.
In that case, if the condom broke, and got cum in your partner, an urgent need to apply the methods of emergency contraception. If there is a chance of getting infections, you should also use special methods to prevent development of disease.

To increase the degree of protection can be combined with condom or drugs Pharmatex choose condoms that are processed. Do not use a condom purchased at kiosks on the roadside or at the bazaar.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Probability of Getting Pregnant With A Spiral

The probability of getting pregnant with a spiral depends, among other things, the type of spiral. There are several types of intrauterine devices.
1. Intrauterine device which separates the hormone-like substance levonorgestrel. Operates a coil within five years from the date of installation. The probability of getting pregnant with this coil is only half a percent.
2. Intrauterine device, which includes silver and brass. This spiral effect is not less than ten years. The probability of getting pregnant from such funds of approximately two percent.

Is it possible to get pregnant after wearing an intrauterine device?
Due to the fact that IUDs do not affect the overall health and does not act strongly on the uterine epithelium, it does not affect the ability to have future children. Despite this, the use of an intrauterine device is not desirable, if a woman has no children. After the intrauterine device is removed, there is the possibility of pregnancy in eighty - ninety percent of women.

Intrauterine device used as a routine method of preventing unwanted pregnancies, as well as an emergency method to prevent unintended pregnancy. If you install an intrauterine device, not later than seven days after mating, the chance of pregnancy is reduced to almost zero.

Introduce an intrauterine device can not be later. If the background wearing the IUD still pregnancy occurs, it ends with half the spontaneous interruption. Twenty percent of the helix could be deleted and leave the fruit to develop. The presence of an intrauterine device during pregnancy has no effect on fetal development.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Probability of Getting Pregnant on Different Days of the Menstrual Cycle

Consideration of the likelihood of pregnancy care of women for two reasons: the desire to have children, or vice versa.

Just a couple of decades ago, many have resorted to so-called "calendar method" of contraception to prevent pregnancy or early pregnancy. The results of recent research suggests that one should not trust this method. For more recent data, in women aged 25 - 35 years with regular menstrual periods may occur so-called "flash" of ovulation, which increases the probability of conception in any day of the menstrual cycle and even during menstruation itself.

The most recent data, only a third of the fairer sex have a clear schedule of conceptions from the tenth to the seventeenth day of the menstrual cycle.The probability of getting pregnant in this interval is actually in the first place depends on how stable the menstrual cycle - an indicator that points to the health system of reproduction of any woman.

Usually the most stable loop is observed in the fairer sex at the age of 25 to 35 years. A few years after menarche, and age prior to menopause were more likely to occur sporadic ovulation, and often gets off the menstrual cycle. That is, there is the possibility of pregnancy on any day of the cycle.

According to some sources of two percent of women are most likely to become pregnant in the fourth day of the cycle, with seventeen percent of the seventh day. And seventy percent of women are the greatest possibility of conception until the tenth and seventeenth day after the cycle. The women, the cycle which is stable, there is the probability of conception, which is equal to one - six per cent even in himself the day of the menstruation, and during bleeding.

In addition, it is believed that the stability of the cycle and ovulation are inseparable from peace and normal emotional background. But any stress and even change the usual order, may affect the stability of the cycle.
Back in the forties of the twentieth century in Germany was published labor gynecologist who recorded in his own practice twenty-five patients who became pregnant from a single sexual act between the second and the thirtieth day of the cycle.This should take into account several factors affecting the ability to become pregnant:

The probability of conception is reduced if:

Immediately after copulation were used methods of emergency contraception, menstruation began at the end of the cycle, three - four weeks after mating rapid test showed the absence of pregnancy.

The possibility of conception is increased if:

After copulation in the presence of a missed period to four days or longer, as well as other signs of pregnancy.

Thus, we must conclude that if pregnant is highly undesirable, the calendar method is not reliable enough. To be absolutely sure, you should use another method of contraception (condom, hormonal pills). In addition, we must remember that during intercourse without condom is the possibility of transferring infections (sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, hepatitis, herpes). In addition, if you wish to become pregnant should also not rely on the calendar method and to copulation only in "suitable days." In such cases, the most effective are regular intercourse without using contraception at all days of the cycle, but menstruation with a frequency of once every two days.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Probability of Getting Pregnant While Taking Birth Control Pills

Among all non-operational methods of contraception pills are the most reliable. According to numerous surveys, studies, applying medication according to instructions and to avoid crossing the reception, the probability of getting pregnant while taking birth control pills equal one chance in ten thousand.

However, even a forgotten tablet after all guarantees not to become pregnant in the ninety-nine percent of cases. Although this method is very popular and reliable, many women are still not fully aware of the way in which agents find it difficult to correctly use them.

Very many years, women were afraid to use birth control pills because they cause some side effects: weight gain, appearance of body hair, acne. Therefore, women are still wary of such drugs. It's a pity, because the last generation contraceptive pill is almost completely devoid of side effects. In such preparations the amount of hormones are very few that do not cause obesity, not affect the growth of hair and skin condition. Also, the use of such funds often even have a positive effect on health: they prevent the development of cancer formations of ovaries, inflammation, arthritis, anemia, reduce the possibility of ectopic pregnancy, and normalize the menstrual cycle and increase the strength of bones of the spine. Also, when using hormonal contraceptives are premenstrual pain and other manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

Despite the fact that this form of contraception reduces the chance of becoming pregnant to almost zero, and is safe, before taking the drugs it is desirable to visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist consultation, since the drug affects the overall hormone levels and the presence of abnormalities previously undergo therapy.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Probability of Getting Pregnant After a Month

According to the calendar method of contraception, is named after its discoverers, Ogino, Clauss, female menstrual cycle is divided into three intervals:

    Perfect sterility
    Partial sterility (there is a chance to get pregnant),
    Most fertile.

Period of partial sterility begins on the last day of menstruation and continues until ovulation. Ovulation begins after 14 days from the beginning of the cycle (first day of menstruation), but more often at the eleventh, twelfth or thirteenth day. In this case you need to know that if the menstrual cycle consists of 28 days, ovulation may be, from the eighth and twenty days.

Sterility period begins on the day of ovulation and runs for two days after ovulation.

The period of greatest opportunity to become pregnant - six - eight days (five days shall be added in case the spermatozoa are in the uterine mucus and still viable) The period of complete sterility comes after two days after ovulation and lasts until the end of menstruation. In order to determine its period of greatest opportunity to become pregnant should be no fewer than six menstrual cycles to calculate their length. During this period, you should use other methods of contraception. Then you can determine your fertile period for the duration set forth below formula:

The number of days in the longest of the cycles should be deducted eleven - the last fertile day is obtained by the cycle. After that, the number of days in the shortest cycle, subtract eighteen - are obtained by first fertile day of the cycle. The most objective, this method is with regular menstrual cycle, which includes 28 days.
This method of calculating the days with the highest probability of pregnancy has a number of advantages:

-  It is very safe
-  It has no side effects,
-  It does not require cost
-  When using this method, both partners are involved planning pregnancy, which brings them closer.

However, there are some negative aspects:

This method is valid only if the cycle is stable, per year out of a hundred women using this method get pregnant from nine to twenty-five, which is quite a high percentage, should be very clearly meet all the requirements during pregnancy should be possible to indulge in sexual intercourse, must constantly monitor the phase and count the days should not apply to young women, since the change in hormonal levels can capture calculations, chance of becoming pregnant is, and it often hurts women method does not provide an opportunity to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases or infections that spread through the bloodstream.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Probability of Getting Pregnant the First Time

There are couples who immediately after the wedding Acquires offspring. There are those who are not in a hurry to have kids. But sooner or later there is a desire at all. In such cases, you want as soon as possible to realize our plans and to conceive a long-awaited baby.

I should say that the probability of getting pregnant on the first or the second times in healthy couples. In this regard, medical consultation, a number of laboratory studies without disturbing anyone. A woman needs to visit a gynecologist, who will also appoint a number of tests. Such checks are needed and to his wife calmly, without fear of any hidden diseases, planning a baby.

In order to materialize the conception, requires a combination of two factors: the healthy sperm and ovulation. Therefore, for the conception of literally the first time, it is preferable to intercourse on the day of ovulation. To calculate when ovulation occur, it should be the duration of the cycle take fourteen days. The resulting number will be the day of the menstrual cycle, which is most likely to conceive. It should be borne in mind that the sperm does not die for five days and conception can occur later. It is therefore desirable to begin mating to conception for five days before ovulation. The easiest method to determine ovulation for women with irregular cycles - is to buy in a pharmacy special rapid test method can be used basal body temperature, but it requires daily measurements of temperature.

Now for the second condition the probability of pregnancy at first - the quality of sperm. Fully produced new sperm in a man for eight weeks. So, two months before the planned conception to start a healthy lifestyle as possible to quit smoking, not drinking alcohol, be more in the fresh air and engage in charge. On semen quality can also affect tight clothing (pants, underwear), heated seats in your car and hot tubs.

There are several factors that help increase the chances of getting pregnant as quickly as possible. These include:

Time of year. It is believed that conception occurs easier in the last few weeks of autumn or during the first weeks of spring. The reason is that the fall in tissue accumulates the most beneficial vitamins from fruits and vegetables, the body is strengthened by UV. In the spring all life wakes up and begins a new cycle in nature. Therefore, in this period is also very beneficial pregnancy. The greatest number of sex hormones in the body in the morning, which is also beneficial to the possibility of conception.

Normal weight. In women, malnourished, as well as a chance to quickly get pregnant lower than women of normal stature. Incidentally, the weight also affects the quality of sperm, so the stronger sex, too, it is useful to take care of their weight. You should not load yourself with powerful physical exercise - it interferes with sperm production.

Bad habits. At the fair sex, abuse of nicotine, the likelihood of pregnancy is reduced by one third. It is desirable to reduce the amount of caffeine-containing foods and beverages.

Proper nutrition. To increase the probability of conception should be introduced into the diet more greens, salads, spinach, wholemeal bread, cereals. If your menstrual cycle is irregular, sometimes it helps to enrich the diet products containing a large amount of iron: liver, meat, apples and beans. To activate the sperm of a man shown in nuts, fish and meat.

According to the calculations of physicians, the highest number of conceptions produced in the "missionary" position. Partner position - lying on your back with your feet raised, to create optimal conditions for sperm. At the time, it should refrain from oral sex, as in the saliva of a substance inhibiting the activity of spermatozoa.
At the time to stop taking medications, especially antibiotics. May also have a negative impact on the probability of conception, and some personal care products. It is advisable to avoid contact with paints. Peace of mind favorable effect on fertility. It should clear your head of negative thoughts, be more in the fresh air, breathe the vapors of healing oils, take baths with soothing salts.

What is The Probability of Getting Pregnant?

According to the calculations of doctors, women, planned birth, in the first cycle it was possible to carry out only fifteen - twenty per cent. Now, almost fifty percent of pregnant within the first twelve weeks, seventy-five percent of pregnant in the first six months of planning from the beginning, and ninety percent of pregnant women per year.
On average, healthy young woman becomes pregnant within four months. Thus the success of conception may influence some circumstances.

Irregular menstrual cycle
Women who have not yet stabilized cycle, most often longer "work" on becoming pregnant. The difficulty here is that it is impossible to calculate a good day for conception, as the number of days of the cycle is unstable.

Age and the likelihood of getting pregnant
With age, the chances of getting pregnant quickly diminish. For example, a woman of nineteen to twenty-four chance of becoming pregnant is thirty percent, at the age of 25 - 33 they are reduced to eighteen percent, and from thirty-three to forty-four chance of becoming pregnant in the first cycle is equal to thirteen percent. With thirty-five women aged from time to time there are cycles without ovulation at all. This is the natural aging process, due to the fact that the ovaries are fewer eggs, hormone level changes, the possibility of infertility is increasing.

Infrequent intercourse
The more regularly performed sex acts, the greater the chance of getting pregnant faster. Thus, if the month is between one and four sexual acts, then the probability of pregnancy is 3.5 - 13 percent. If the number of copulation between five and ten, then the possibility of conception is from 14 to 28 percent, with the number of sexual acts from eleven to fifteen possibility of conception is 30 - 37.5 percent, with the number of copulations of 16 to 20 level is the possibility of conception, 38 - 42 9 percent. The number of copulations for more than twenty per month do not increase the chance of pregnancy, since by some accounts in a very intense sexual activity level of active sperm in the semen partner decreases.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What Can and Can Not for Expectant Mothers

Pregnancy - one of the most significant events in a woman's life, right to move it and make a healthy baby is in this period, the number one task. And then almost in front of each future mommy question is what can and can not do during pregnancy.

On this subject there are many popular myths and take. For example, signs prohibit pregnant women cut their hair or take place under the tight rope. But all this is - unverified "lyrics." But that said doctors and scientists?

And they believe that the need to follow certain rules - like for a child in the womb, and for the health of pregnant women most.

Wear the right clothes

Of course, at this time want to look particularly beautiful, but remember that the beauty of a pregnant woman - especially in the situation, and not the attire. Therefore, abstain from contracting and over-fitting things in favor of spacious, comfortable clothing. Better if it would be made of natural fabrics.

Underwired bras are not prohibited, just be sure that they are not tightening the chest. But better yet opt for cotton bra with wide straps and a wide elastic band under the cups to provide good support and at the same time comfort. It is time to remember and trousers (maybe even with nap, such as those worn by our grandmothers). Yes, they do not look as sexy as, say, panties, thongs, but the convenience and benefit from them, especially during the cold season, outweigh all the seeming plainness. As now you can find quite stylish and nice trousers.

As for shoes, it's likely you will have to buy a pair of size larger than your usual because feet swell during pregnancy for most women. Wear only flat or small heels.

Eat healthy foods

Eat more fruits, vegetables, fish, cereals and dairy products. If you live in regions where fresh fruit and vegetables not readily available, a good replacement to them - frozen fruit and vegetable mixture. If possible, choose products with less fat: skim milk, lean turkey, etc. To fish is not the case, the fish need to eat fat. Fish is better to choose smaller marine species, a large fish often contain a lot of mercury.

Try to eat a variety of vitamins and minerals. During pregnancy, women need more iron than usual. It happens that a large amount of iron can not be mastered only with food. Then the doctor will prescribe you iron supplementation products. It is important to also take daily 400 mg of folic acid, which reduces the risk of certain birth defects. You can consume any foods containing folic acid (especially in its many green leafy vegetables) or a special vitamin complexes.

Avoid certain foods

Some products pose a direct threat to the health of future moms. They are: raw meat, raw and salted fish, unpasteurized milk and cheese. Raw meat, for example, can cause disease, called listeriosis, which may cause miscarriage, defects in the newborn or stillbirth. Its negative effects and renders the consumption of other foods that are dangerous during pregnancy. Caution should be with soy products. They are mainly produced from genetically modified beans. Consequences of their use today is not known. In addition, most soy contains substances similar to female hormone estrogen.

Stay away from cats

Especially from the street. Not only is the fur of cats are allergens, so more and the feces of cats contain a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis. If toxoplasmosis ill pregnant woman, this usually leads to deformities of the fetus, or miscarriage. If the cat lives in your house, remember that pregnancy is forbidden to change or clean the cat's toilet tray.

Do not smoke

Doctors categorically prohibit smoking by pregnant women. Smoking leads to the birth of children with low birth weight, prematurity, or a miscarriage. Even passive smoking can cause these problems.

Do not drink much caffeine and soft drinks

In small doses, up to 300 ml per day (about a cup of coffee or glass of cola), caffeine is not harmful. Higher doses have a negative impact on both the health of the unborn child, as well as on the health of the mother. Therefore it is better not to abuse them. Carbonated lemonade can cause the active processes of fermentation in the gut, and irritable bowel trigger uterine contractions.

Be careful with chemicals

Pregnant better to take time off from using any of aerosols and cleaning agents (use regular soda), as well as stay away from the fumes of paint, solvents, gasoline and other strong chemicals. Resist the urge to make repairs in the apartment to bring a child into an updated apartment if you have no chance at this time to leave her.

Do not get carried away medicines. And it's not just pills. Even some seemingly innocuous dietary supplements or herbal tea can damage normal pregnancy.

Do not overheat or supercool

In the interest of the child's best to avoid sudden temperature changes. Should be avoided as hypothermia or overheating. Do not visit saunas and discard the hot tubs.

Avoid alcohol (not to mention drugs)

Doctors say that pregnant women there is no safe dose of alcohol. Alcohol prevents the flow of oxygen to the fetus, which may lead to a breach of its development.

Limit the use of technology

The space around us is literally permeated through electromagnetic waves, is bad for the fetus. Do not get carried away watching TV, talking on a cell phone, cooking in the microwave. Sit for hours at the computer counter from a very early date! In recent years, the number of grown up nondeveloping (missed) pregnancies. You can temporarily access the Internet, send mail to her friends, but not anymore. It is better to spend time for a stroll in the fresh air that will benefit both you and your unborn baby.

Exercise, but in moderation

Active lifestyle of healthy pregnant women are advised, even by doctors. However, the exercise should consult their doctor and instructor-led. The most useful exercise for pregnant women - walking. Here you can control the pace of training and their health. Strength training should be performed while sitting and with a little weight. Especially careful in pregnant you need to walk up the steps, it is on the stairs is easy to lose balance and fall.

Already feel restricted in all their rights? Look at all the restrictions only as a temporary inconvenience. Relax, stay calm and happy during those precious nine months. They will be so fast!