Sunday, July 17, 2011

What Can and Can Not for Expectant Mothers

Pregnancy - one of the most significant events in a woman's life, right to move it and make a healthy baby is in this period, the number one task. And then almost in front of each future mommy question is what can and can not do during pregnancy.

On this subject there are many popular myths and take. For example, signs prohibit pregnant women cut their hair or take place under the tight rope. But all this is - unverified "lyrics." But that said doctors and scientists?

And they believe that the need to follow certain rules - like for a child in the womb, and for the health of pregnant women most.

Wear the right clothes

Of course, at this time want to look particularly beautiful, but remember that the beauty of a pregnant woman - especially in the situation, and not the attire. Therefore, abstain from contracting and over-fitting things in favor of spacious, comfortable clothing. Better if it would be made of natural fabrics.

Underwired bras are not prohibited, just be sure that they are not tightening the chest. But better yet opt for cotton bra with wide straps and a wide elastic band under the cups to provide good support and at the same time comfort. It is time to remember and trousers (maybe even with nap, such as those worn by our grandmothers). Yes, they do not look as sexy as, say, panties, thongs, but the convenience and benefit from them, especially during the cold season, outweigh all the seeming plainness. As now you can find quite stylish and nice trousers.

As for shoes, it's likely you will have to buy a pair of size larger than your usual because feet swell during pregnancy for most women. Wear only flat or small heels.

Eat healthy foods

Eat more fruits, vegetables, fish, cereals and dairy products. If you live in regions where fresh fruit and vegetables not readily available, a good replacement to them - frozen fruit and vegetable mixture. If possible, choose products with less fat: skim milk, lean turkey, etc. To fish is not the case, the fish need to eat fat. Fish is better to choose smaller marine species, a large fish often contain a lot of mercury.

Try to eat a variety of vitamins and minerals. During pregnancy, women need more iron than usual. It happens that a large amount of iron can not be mastered only with food. Then the doctor will prescribe you iron supplementation products. It is important to also take daily 400 mg of folic acid, which reduces the risk of certain birth defects. You can consume any foods containing folic acid (especially in its many green leafy vegetables) or a special vitamin complexes.

Avoid certain foods

Some products pose a direct threat to the health of future moms. They are: raw meat, raw and salted fish, unpasteurized milk and cheese. Raw meat, for example, can cause disease, called listeriosis, which may cause miscarriage, defects in the newborn or stillbirth. Its negative effects and renders the consumption of other foods that are dangerous during pregnancy. Caution should be with soy products. They are mainly produced from genetically modified beans. Consequences of their use today is not known. In addition, most soy contains substances similar to female hormone estrogen.

Stay away from cats

Especially from the street. Not only is the fur of cats are allergens, so more and the feces of cats contain a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis. If toxoplasmosis ill pregnant woman, this usually leads to deformities of the fetus, or miscarriage. If the cat lives in your house, remember that pregnancy is forbidden to change or clean the cat's toilet tray.

Do not smoke

Doctors categorically prohibit smoking by pregnant women. Smoking leads to the birth of children with low birth weight, prematurity, or a miscarriage. Even passive smoking can cause these problems.

Do not drink much caffeine and soft drinks

In small doses, up to 300 ml per day (about a cup of coffee or glass of cola), caffeine is not harmful. Higher doses have a negative impact on both the health of the unborn child, as well as on the health of the mother. Therefore it is better not to abuse them. Carbonated lemonade can cause the active processes of fermentation in the gut, and irritable bowel trigger uterine contractions.

Be careful with chemicals

Pregnant better to take time off from using any of aerosols and cleaning agents (use regular soda), as well as stay away from the fumes of paint, solvents, gasoline and other strong chemicals. Resist the urge to make repairs in the apartment to bring a child into an updated apartment if you have no chance at this time to leave her.

Do not get carried away medicines. And it's not just pills. Even some seemingly innocuous dietary supplements or herbal tea can damage normal pregnancy.

Do not overheat or supercool

In the interest of the child's best to avoid sudden temperature changes. Should be avoided as hypothermia or overheating. Do not visit saunas and discard the hot tubs.

Avoid alcohol (not to mention drugs)

Doctors say that pregnant women there is no safe dose of alcohol. Alcohol prevents the flow of oxygen to the fetus, which may lead to a breach of its development.

Limit the use of technology

The space around us is literally permeated through electromagnetic waves, is bad for the fetus. Do not get carried away watching TV, talking on a cell phone, cooking in the microwave. Sit for hours at the computer counter from a very early date! In recent years, the number of grown up nondeveloping (missed) pregnancies. You can temporarily access the Internet, send mail to her friends, but not anymore. It is better to spend time for a stroll in the fresh air that will benefit both you and your unborn baby.

Exercise, but in moderation

Active lifestyle of healthy pregnant women are advised, even by doctors. However, the exercise should consult their doctor and instructor-led. The most useful exercise for pregnant women - walking. Here you can control the pace of training and their health. Strength training should be performed while sitting and with a little weight. Especially careful in pregnant you need to walk up the steps, it is on the stairs is easy to lose balance and fall.

Already feel restricted in all their rights? Look at all the restrictions only as a temporary inconvenience. Relax, stay calm and happy during those precious nine months. They will be so fast!

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