Many women believe that before the onset of first menstruation after childbirth chance of becoming pregnant is zero. And they are very much mistaken.Often, breast-feeding delays the onset of menstruation. But at the same time ovulation occurs. That is, conception is possible.
Need to say recently given birth mom, that in the first six weeks after giving birth may not be desired sexual acts. The reason is that the system of reproduction is recovering after giving birth. Internal genital organs are returned to pre-natal state. It is very likely in this period of infections.
Fairly reliable method to reduce the likelihood of getting pregnant after giving birth is lactational amenorrhea. The probability of getting pregnant with this method of contraception is only one - two percent. The same efficiency, for example, the hormonal contraceptive pill. For the onset of contraceptive effect should breastfeed the baby at least eight times a day and up to ten times better. Feeding should be carried out at the request of an infant day intervals should not be more than four hours, and night - no more than six hours. Moreover, if the number of daily feedings is sharply reduced, it may reduce the contraceptive effect. In this period should not be menstruating. It is also desirable to use this method no longer than six months after birth. Further, the reliability of this method significantly decreases the probability of becoming pregnant increases.
Strongly not recommended for use in postpartum contraception calendar and temperature method.
One of the greatest gift from God to all women is getting pregnant and having a baby.