Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ozone Therapy in Pregnancy

Have you ever heard ever about ozone therapy? Surely the answer to this question is more positive than negative. After all, ozone therapy today is very popular.
What is the treatment with ozone?
This type of treatment can be used both independently and together with other drugs. With ozone therapy treat diseases such as endocervicitis, cervical erosion, endometritis, an inflammatory disease of the uterus, as well as sexually transmitted diseases. And that's not all the powers of ozone therapy. Very often pregnant women are interested in the same issue - whether to use ozone therapy during pregnancy?

So, in some cases, pregnant women should be ozone therapy?
In case you get sick during pregnancy cold, then you can take the help of ozone therapy. By this method of treatment and can resort to boost the immune system. As you know, a strong immune system helps to eliminate all infections and viruses before they take possession of the body. That is why ozone therapy in this case is really necessary. After all, strengthening your immune system, you can prevent the development of a huge number of viral diseases, which in turn will keep your fruit from exposure to hazardous drugs.

Ozone therapy is necessary for pregnant women and in the case when they are on the verge of a miscarriage. Therapy according to medication will help to keep your pregnancy. Moreover, ozone is a beneficial effect on blood flow in the placenta, which in turn helps the child to cope with threatening miscarriage. Ozone has found widespread use in the fight with gestosis of pregnant women. The reason is that ozone has a sufficiently powerful antitoxic and antibacterial activity. It should be noted also that with the help of ozone therapy can minimize the likelihood of a weak labor during childbirth. Expectant mothers are aware of the fact that an adequate oxygen supply to the fetus during labor is very important. Well, then, ozone therapy can not guarantee it.

If you have during pregnancy disrupted the functioning of the kidneys, heart or liver, then you must assign a course of treatment with ozone. Ozone is also important as a prophylactic agent in exacerbations of chronic diseases. Ozone Therapy is prescribed to pregnant women and for treatment of acute and chronic gynecological diseases. Very often it happens that during pregnancy women concerned about strong pain in the spine and joints. Ozone helps to cope with this problem by reducing the pain to a minimum.

Despite all the advantages of ozone treatment, this method of therapy has its contraindications. Ozone Therapy should not be prescribed to pregnant women who are allergic to ozone, hemophilia A and B, fresh bleeding from the bodies, organic brain damage such as epilepsy and schizophrenia, as well as a tendency to seizures.

Ozone can cause a number of side effects. They can be counted: the diuretic effect, increasing liver enzymes, renal colic, as well as a feeling of warmth in the lower abdomen, which leads to an increase in overall body temperature.

It is worth paying attention to future mothers and the fact that during pregnancy is very well taken and special supplements (dietary supplements). The fact that their application will not only help strengthen your immune system, but also enrich your baby's body with all necessary vitamins and nutrients.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy and After Childbirth

Hemorrhoids - a painful increase in the diameter of the anal veins, which appear due to nodes that bring discomfort and pain, and also protruding from the anus or rectum. Hemorrhoids - it's not uncommon for the last three months of pregnancy, as well as for post-partum period.

Factors contributing to the development of hemorrhoids in pregnancy and the postpartum period
During pregnancy, the occurrence of hemorrhoids is caused perezhimaniem changed in size uterus veins of the intestine, which causes the deterioration of blood from the intestines and the perineum. Vienna, too filled with blood, increasing in diameter, and protrude in the form of soft and painful blisters. Another reason, which occupies an important place as is the presence of recurrent constipation. Between the inner surface of intestinal constipation, and under her hemorrhoidal veins are experiencing strong increases in diameter and trauma during the propulsion of solid feces. A sedentary lifestyle in the last trimester of gestation is also a factor in provoking the appearance of hemorrhoids, as a sedentary lifestyle causes a deterioration of blood flow and deterioration of muscle tone colon and perineum. In the period of hemorrhoids usually appears when too straining muscles of the perineum and increase clearance of hemorrhoidal veins during any attempts generic.

Stage in the development of hemorrhoids in pregnant women
There are three stages of the disease:

The first stage is characterized by sagging of nodes in the gut, but they are invisible to the anus.The second stage is characterized by depressed host of the anus (often while sitting or squatting during defecation), but after a while they are drawn. The third stage is characterized by the fact that the nodes are constantly in the sagging condition and are not drawn.

Signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids in pregnant and postpartum
Particularly frequently observed symptoms of hemorrhoids are:

- Pain during bowel movements, discharge of blood or the presence of red blood on stool
- Discomfort in the anal area, more prominent in the movement, bowel movements, lasting seating from the anus soft sites fall, touching which causes discomfort
- Women immediately after childbirth pain, which provokes the hemorrhoids are sometimes confused with pain that appear after birth. But if the pain does not go long enough and there are other signs of illness, it may indicate the presence of hemorrhoids.

How is the diagnosis of hemorrhoids during pregnancy?
Diagnosis of hemorrhoids during pregnancy carried out in order to detect disease, but also not miss the development of severe disease and complications.
The main ways to diagnose hemorrhoids during pregnancy are:

- Palpation of the rectum - a survey of nodes finger
- Sigmoidoscopy and anoscope - examination of the rectum and anus with the use of special devices.

Therapy of hemorrhoids in pregnant women and postpartum
Therapy of hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy is not exactly like that of other categories of patients. Thus, surgery to remove nodes during gestation is almost not appointed. Therapy is carried out mainly with medication, diet control, as well as ways to warn the aggravation.

Thus, the main methods of therapy of hemorrhoids are:
1. Treatment and prevention of constipation - is the main point in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

2. Hygiene - cleaning the anus and perineum with water at room temperature after each bowel movement. To avoid scratches on the nodes should be used only very high-quality toilet paper. You should not do sit-bath, so as not to provoke the emergence of infections of the vagina.

3. Preparations of hemorrhoids (ultraprokt, aurobin, Relief, nefluan, gepatrombin T) during gestation is used mainly in the form of external funds (ointments, suppositories, gels). These drugs do not have systemic action and are generally not harmful to the fetus. But without consulting a gynecologist you should not use any funds.

Surgery in the treatment of this category of patients is usually not granted. It is used only in cases of severe complications is not controlled by other methods.

Therapy of hemorrhoids in the postpartum period can be carried out by conventional methods.

Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy
Due to the fact that this is a very common disease, its prevention must be addressed from the very onset of pregnancy after consulting gynecologist.
Prevention of hemorrhoids includes literate diet, in which a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables and dairy products. Should try to prevent constipation. After a bowel movement to undermine the anus with water at room temperature.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Down's Syndrome in Pregnancy

Down syndrome is a form of chromosomal pathology, in which the karyotype is not submitted forty-six and forty-seven chromosomes. Down syndrome affects an equal number of both boys and girls. This syndrome was named after the English physician John Down. It became the first man who could not find words to describe this pathology. Down's syndrome - a congenital disorder which to date is very common. From the birth of a baby with Down syndrome are not insured by anyone. However, in this situation, there is one thing. The fact is that today there are many studies that are capable of detecting this pathology at an early stage of pregnancy. But let's not open all the cards at once. Down's syndrome in pregnancy - that's what I talk to you right now.

People who once in my life seen firsthand children with Down syndrome, would agree that these kids require greater attention. More often than mothers who were born these children, we have to give them all the time without restriction. Down syndrome - it's scary. However, you can prevent the birth of a baby. Yes, yes, you really can do it. The most important thing this want. Do not forget that our medicine does not stand still. Each year it develops and improves. This also applies to diagnostic medicine. Today, there are a number of studies that can reveal the presence of Down syndrome in the first weeks of pregnancy. Now we will tell you about them.

Let's start with the oldest method of diagnosing the disease. This amniocentesis. This method for many years was the only one. It is based on a study of amniotic fluid. During this procedure the pregnant woman makes a microscopic incision in the abdomen, then using a fine needle is taken, amniotic fluid, which is exposed and investigated. It should be noted that so far this method has been used to diagnose only those pregnant women whose age exceeds thirty-five years.

What do young mums?
The child with Down syndrome can be born, and women in their twenties. It is for these women and have developed various methods of diagnosis. One such method is non-invasive antenatal diagnosis. This diagnosis involves the identification of various biochemical markers in venous blood of pregnant women.

To identify Down syndrome in early pregnancy can be and by determining the size of the collar zone of the fetus by ultrasound. The fact is that, starting from the eleventh week of pregnancy, if there is a Down syndrome child in the back of his neck begins to accumulate subcutaneous fluid. With the help of ultrasound can detect the presence of the liquid. It should be noted that this method of diagnosis of Down syndrome has not been studied until the end, so that an absolute guarantee it does not.

To date, the most effective method of diagnosing Down's syndrome is considered to be a combined method. This methodology is based not only on ultrasound thickness collar area, but also on the determination of several serum biochemical markers. Resort to its help every pregnant woman can in the period from the tenth to thirteenth week of pregnancy. This type of diagnosis is considered the most accurate.

As you can see light at the birth of another child diagnosed with Down syndrome can actually be avoided. Ask for help in diagnostic medicine as often as possible. In general, try to take care of themselves, not only during pregnancy but also throughout life. Do not forget about the existing supplements (dietary supplements) that help to enrich with vitamins and minerals not only your body but the body of your child.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Probability of Getting Pregnant After Giving Birth

Many women believe that before the onset of first menstruation after childbirth chance of becoming pregnant is zero. And they are very much mistaken.Often, breast-feeding delays the onset of menstruation. But at the same time ovulation occurs. That is, conception is possible.

Need to say recently given birth mom, that in the first six weeks after giving birth may not be desired sexual acts. The reason is that the system of reproduction is recovering after giving birth. Internal genital organs are returned to pre-natal state. It is very likely in this period of infections.

Fairly reliable method to reduce the likelihood of getting pregnant after giving birth is lactational amenorrhea. The probability of getting pregnant with this method of contraception is only one - two percent. The same efficiency, for example, the hormonal contraceptive pill. For the onset of contraceptive effect should breastfeed the baby at least eight times a day and up to ten times better. Feeding should be carried out at the request of an infant day intervals should not be more than four hours, and night - no more than six hours. Moreover, if the number of daily feedings is sharply reduced, it may reduce the contraceptive effect. In this period should not be menstruating. It is also desirable to use this method no longer than six months after birth. Further, the reliability of this method significantly decreases the probability of becoming pregnant increases.

Strongly not recommended for use in postpartum contraception calendar and temperature method.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Probability of Getting Pregnant with Condom

Will surprise the fact that condom use is not preferable as a contraceptive and as a means of protecting from disease, sexually transmitted diseases. After all, in fifty percent of copulations (!) With the use of condoms is likely to become pregnant.

This is especially true owners of a large penis. The fact is that when putting a condom on a big penis stretching places are formed, which is thinner than the rest of the surface of the condom. During the intense friction of these places thin, through which sperm can penetrate the genital tract of women. Thus, the risk of pregnancy partner is fifty percent.

It happens so that the condom breaks during intercourse right. A similar case with vaginal dryness. In this regard, you should either use a special lubricant, or diligently to bring a woman to act, to a sufficient quantity of natural lubrication.

There are also some defective condoms. The quality of latex is very much influenced by storage conditions.
In that case, if the condom broke, and got cum in your partner, an urgent need to apply the methods of emergency contraception. If there is a chance of getting infections, you should also use special methods to prevent development of disease.

To increase the degree of protection can be combined with condom or drugs Pharmatex choose condoms that are processed. Do not use a condom purchased at kiosks on the roadside or at the bazaar.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Probability of Getting Pregnant With A Spiral

The probability of getting pregnant with a spiral depends, among other things, the type of spiral. There are several types of intrauterine devices.
1. Intrauterine device which separates the hormone-like substance levonorgestrel. Operates a coil within five years from the date of installation. The probability of getting pregnant with this coil is only half a percent.
2. Intrauterine device, which includes silver and brass. This spiral effect is not less than ten years. The probability of getting pregnant from such funds of approximately two percent.

Is it possible to get pregnant after wearing an intrauterine device?
Due to the fact that IUDs do not affect the overall health and does not act strongly on the uterine epithelium, it does not affect the ability to have future children. Despite this, the use of an intrauterine device is not desirable, if a woman has no children. After the intrauterine device is removed, there is the possibility of pregnancy in eighty - ninety percent of women.

Intrauterine device used as a routine method of preventing unwanted pregnancies, as well as an emergency method to prevent unintended pregnancy. If you install an intrauterine device, not later than seven days after mating, the chance of pregnancy is reduced to almost zero.

Introduce an intrauterine device can not be later. If the background wearing the IUD still pregnancy occurs, it ends with half the spontaneous interruption. Twenty percent of the helix could be deleted and leave the fruit to develop. The presence of an intrauterine device during pregnancy has no effect on fetal development.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Probability of Getting Pregnant on Different Days of the Menstrual Cycle

Consideration of the likelihood of pregnancy care of women for two reasons: the desire to have children, or vice versa.

Just a couple of decades ago, many have resorted to so-called "calendar method" of contraception to prevent pregnancy or early pregnancy. The results of recent research suggests that one should not trust this method. For more recent data, in women aged 25 - 35 years with regular menstrual periods may occur so-called "flash" of ovulation, which increases the probability of conception in any day of the menstrual cycle and even during menstruation itself.

The most recent data, only a third of the fairer sex have a clear schedule of conceptions from the tenth to the seventeenth day of the menstrual cycle.The probability of getting pregnant in this interval is actually in the first place depends on how stable the menstrual cycle - an indicator that points to the health system of reproduction of any woman.

Usually the most stable loop is observed in the fairer sex at the age of 25 to 35 years. A few years after menarche, and age prior to menopause were more likely to occur sporadic ovulation, and often gets off the menstrual cycle. That is, there is the possibility of pregnancy on any day of the cycle.

According to some sources of two percent of women are most likely to become pregnant in the fourth day of the cycle, with seventeen percent of the seventh day. And seventy percent of women are the greatest possibility of conception until the tenth and seventeenth day after the cycle. The women, the cycle which is stable, there is the probability of conception, which is equal to one - six per cent even in himself the day of the menstruation, and during bleeding.

In addition, it is believed that the stability of the cycle and ovulation are inseparable from peace and normal emotional background. But any stress and even change the usual order, may affect the stability of the cycle.
Back in the forties of the twentieth century in Germany was published labor gynecologist who recorded in his own practice twenty-five patients who became pregnant from a single sexual act between the second and the thirtieth day of the cycle.This should take into account several factors affecting the ability to become pregnant:

The probability of conception is reduced if:

Immediately after copulation were used methods of emergency contraception, menstruation began at the end of the cycle, three - four weeks after mating rapid test showed the absence of pregnancy.

The possibility of conception is increased if:

After copulation in the presence of a missed period to four days or longer, as well as other signs of pregnancy.

Thus, we must conclude that if pregnant is highly undesirable, the calendar method is not reliable enough. To be absolutely sure, you should use another method of contraception (condom, hormonal pills). In addition, we must remember that during intercourse without condom is the possibility of transferring infections (sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, hepatitis, herpes). In addition, if you wish to become pregnant should also not rely on the calendar method and to copulation only in "suitable days." In such cases, the most effective are regular intercourse without using contraception at all days of the cycle, but menstruation with a frequency of once every two days.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Probability of Getting Pregnant While Taking Birth Control Pills

Among all non-operational methods of contraception pills are the most reliable. According to numerous surveys, studies, applying medication according to instructions and to avoid crossing the reception, the probability of getting pregnant while taking birth control pills equal one chance in ten thousand.

However, even a forgotten tablet after all guarantees not to become pregnant in the ninety-nine percent of cases. Although this method is very popular and reliable, many women are still not fully aware of the way in which agents find it difficult to correctly use them.

Very many years, women were afraid to use birth control pills because they cause some side effects: weight gain, appearance of body hair, acne. Therefore, women are still wary of such drugs. It's a pity, because the last generation contraceptive pill is almost completely devoid of side effects. In such preparations the amount of hormones are very few that do not cause obesity, not affect the growth of hair and skin condition. Also, the use of such funds often even have a positive effect on health: they prevent the development of cancer formations of ovaries, inflammation, arthritis, anemia, reduce the possibility of ectopic pregnancy, and normalize the menstrual cycle and increase the strength of bones of the spine. Also, when using hormonal contraceptives are premenstrual pain and other manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

Despite the fact that this form of contraception reduces the chance of becoming pregnant to almost zero, and is safe, before taking the drugs it is desirable to visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist consultation, since the drug affects the overall hormone levels and the presence of abnormalities previously undergo therapy.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Probability of Getting Pregnant After a Month

According to the calendar method of contraception, is named after its discoverers, Ogino, Clauss, female menstrual cycle is divided into three intervals:

    Perfect sterility
    Partial sterility (there is a chance to get pregnant),
    Most fertile.

Period of partial sterility begins on the last day of menstruation and continues until ovulation. Ovulation begins after 14 days from the beginning of the cycle (first day of menstruation), but more often at the eleventh, twelfth or thirteenth day. In this case you need to know that if the menstrual cycle consists of 28 days, ovulation may be, from the eighth and twenty days.

Sterility period begins on the day of ovulation and runs for two days after ovulation.

The period of greatest opportunity to become pregnant - six - eight days (five days shall be added in case the spermatozoa are in the uterine mucus and still viable) The period of complete sterility comes after two days after ovulation and lasts until the end of menstruation. In order to determine its period of greatest opportunity to become pregnant should be no fewer than six menstrual cycles to calculate their length. During this period, you should use other methods of contraception. Then you can determine your fertile period for the duration set forth below formula:

The number of days in the longest of the cycles should be deducted eleven - the last fertile day is obtained by the cycle. After that, the number of days in the shortest cycle, subtract eighteen - are obtained by first fertile day of the cycle. The most objective, this method is with regular menstrual cycle, which includes 28 days.
This method of calculating the days with the highest probability of pregnancy has a number of advantages:

-  It is very safe
-  It has no side effects,
-  It does not require cost
-  When using this method, both partners are involved planning pregnancy, which brings them closer.

However, there are some negative aspects:

This method is valid only if the cycle is stable, per year out of a hundred women using this method get pregnant from nine to twenty-five, which is quite a high percentage, should be very clearly meet all the requirements during pregnancy should be possible to indulge in sexual intercourse, must constantly monitor the phase and count the days should not apply to young women, since the change in hormonal levels can capture calculations, chance of becoming pregnant is, and it often hurts women method does not provide an opportunity to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases or infections that spread through the bloodstream.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Probability of Getting Pregnant the First Time

There are couples who immediately after the wedding Acquires offspring. There are those who are not in a hurry to have kids. But sooner or later there is a desire at all. In such cases, you want as soon as possible to realize our plans and to conceive a long-awaited baby.

I should say that the probability of getting pregnant on the first or the second times in healthy couples. In this regard, medical consultation, a number of laboratory studies without disturbing anyone. A woman needs to visit a gynecologist, who will also appoint a number of tests. Such checks are needed and to his wife calmly, without fear of any hidden diseases, planning a baby.

In order to materialize the conception, requires a combination of two factors: the healthy sperm and ovulation. Therefore, for the conception of literally the first time, it is preferable to intercourse on the day of ovulation. To calculate when ovulation occur, it should be the duration of the cycle take fourteen days. The resulting number will be the day of the menstrual cycle, which is most likely to conceive. It should be borne in mind that the sperm does not die for five days and conception can occur later. It is therefore desirable to begin mating to conception for five days before ovulation. The easiest method to determine ovulation for women with irregular cycles - is to buy in a pharmacy special rapid test method can be used basal body temperature, but it requires daily measurements of temperature.

Now for the second condition the probability of pregnancy at first - the quality of sperm. Fully produced new sperm in a man for eight weeks. So, two months before the planned conception to start a healthy lifestyle as possible to quit smoking, not drinking alcohol, be more in the fresh air and engage in charge. On semen quality can also affect tight clothing (pants, underwear), heated seats in your car and hot tubs.

There are several factors that help increase the chances of getting pregnant as quickly as possible. These include:

Time of year. It is believed that conception occurs easier in the last few weeks of autumn or during the first weeks of spring. The reason is that the fall in tissue accumulates the most beneficial vitamins from fruits and vegetables, the body is strengthened by UV. In the spring all life wakes up and begins a new cycle in nature. Therefore, in this period is also very beneficial pregnancy. The greatest number of sex hormones in the body in the morning, which is also beneficial to the possibility of conception.

Normal weight. In women, malnourished, as well as a chance to quickly get pregnant lower than women of normal stature. Incidentally, the weight also affects the quality of sperm, so the stronger sex, too, it is useful to take care of their weight. You should not load yourself with powerful physical exercise - it interferes with sperm production.

Bad habits. At the fair sex, abuse of nicotine, the likelihood of pregnancy is reduced by one third. It is desirable to reduce the amount of caffeine-containing foods and beverages.

Proper nutrition. To increase the probability of conception should be introduced into the diet more greens, salads, spinach, wholemeal bread, cereals. If your menstrual cycle is irregular, sometimes it helps to enrich the diet products containing a large amount of iron: liver, meat, apples and beans. To activate the sperm of a man shown in nuts, fish and meat.

According to the calculations of physicians, the highest number of conceptions produced in the "missionary" position. Partner position - lying on your back with your feet raised, to create optimal conditions for sperm. At the time, it should refrain from oral sex, as in the saliva of a substance inhibiting the activity of spermatozoa.
At the time to stop taking medications, especially antibiotics. May also have a negative impact on the probability of conception, and some personal care products. It is advisable to avoid contact with paints. Peace of mind favorable effect on fertility. It should clear your head of negative thoughts, be more in the fresh air, breathe the vapors of healing oils, take baths with soothing salts.

What is The Probability of Getting Pregnant?

According to the calculations of doctors, women, planned birth, in the first cycle it was possible to carry out only fifteen - twenty per cent. Now, almost fifty percent of pregnant within the first twelve weeks, seventy-five percent of pregnant in the first six months of planning from the beginning, and ninety percent of pregnant women per year.
On average, healthy young woman becomes pregnant within four months. Thus the success of conception may influence some circumstances.

Irregular menstrual cycle
Women who have not yet stabilized cycle, most often longer "work" on becoming pregnant. The difficulty here is that it is impossible to calculate a good day for conception, as the number of days of the cycle is unstable.

Age and the likelihood of getting pregnant
With age, the chances of getting pregnant quickly diminish. For example, a woman of nineteen to twenty-four chance of becoming pregnant is thirty percent, at the age of 25 - 33 they are reduced to eighteen percent, and from thirty-three to forty-four chance of becoming pregnant in the first cycle is equal to thirteen percent. With thirty-five women aged from time to time there are cycles without ovulation at all. This is the natural aging process, due to the fact that the ovaries are fewer eggs, hormone level changes, the possibility of infertility is increasing.

Infrequent intercourse
The more regularly performed sex acts, the greater the chance of getting pregnant faster. Thus, if the month is between one and four sexual acts, then the probability of pregnancy is 3.5 - 13 percent. If the number of copulation between five and ten, then the possibility of conception is from 14 to 28 percent, with the number of sexual acts from eleven to fifteen possibility of conception is 30 - 37.5 percent, with the number of copulations of 16 to 20 level is the possibility of conception, 38 - 42 9 percent. The number of copulations for more than twenty per month do not increase the chance of pregnancy, since by some accounts in a very intense sexual activity level of active sperm in the semen partner decreases.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What Can and Can Not for Expectant Mothers

Pregnancy - one of the most significant events in a woman's life, right to move it and make a healthy baby is in this period, the number one task. And then almost in front of each future mommy question is what can and can not do during pregnancy.

On this subject there are many popular myths and take. For example, signs prohibit pregnant women cut their hair or take place under the tight rope. But all this is - unverified "lyrics." But that said doctors and scientists?

And they believe that the need to follow certain rules - like for a child in the womb, and for the health of pregnant women most.

Wear the right clothes

Of course, at this time want to look particularly beautiful, but remember that the beauty of a pregnant woman - especially in the situation, and not the attire. Therefore, abstain from contracting and over-fitting things in favor of spacious, comfortable clothing. Better if it would be made of natural fabrics.

Underwired bras are not prohibited, just be sure that they are not tightening the chest. But better yet opt for cotton bra with wide straps and a wide elastic band under the cups to provide good support and at the same time comfort. It is time to remember and trousers (maybe even with nap, such as those worn by our grandmothers). Yes, they do not look as sexy as, say, panties, thongs, but the convenience and benefit from them, especially during the cold season, outweigh all the seeming plainness. As now you can find quite stylish and nice trousers.

As for shoes, it's likely you will have to buy a pair of size larger than your usual because feet swell during pregnancy for most women. Wear only flat or small heels.

Eat healthy foods

Eat more fruits, vegetables, fish, cereals and dairy products. If you live in regions where fresh fruit and vegetables not readily available, a good replacement to them - frozen fruit and vegetable mixture. If possible, choose products with less fat: skim milk, lean turkey, etc. To fish is not the case, the fish need to eat fat. Fish is better to choose smaller marine species, a large fish often contain a lot of mercury.

Try to eat a variety of vitamins and minerals. During pregnancy, women need more iron than usual. It happens that a large amount of iron can not be mastered only with food. Then the doctor will prescribe you iron supplementation products. It is important to also take daily 400 mg of folic acid, which reduces the risk of certain birth defects. You can consume any foods containing folic acid (especially in its many green leafy vegetables) or a special vitamin complexes.

Avoid certain foods

Some products pose a direct threat to the health of future moms. They are: raw meat, raw and salted fish, unpasteurized milk and cheese. Raw meat, for example, can cause disease, called listeriosis, which may cause miscarriage, defects in the newborn or stillbirth. Its negative effects and renders the consumption of other foods that are dangerous during pregnancy. Caution should be with soy products. They are mainly produced from genetically modified beans. Consequences of their use today is not known. In addition, most soy contains substances similar to female hormone estrogen.

Stay away from cats

Especially from the street. Not only is the fur of cats are allergens, so more and the feces of cats contain a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis. If toxoplasmosis ill pregnant woman, this usually leads to deformities of the fetus, or miscarriage. If the cat lives in your house, remember that pregnancy is forbidden to change or clean the cat's toilet tray.

Do not smoke

Doctors categorically prohibit smoking by pregnant women. Smoking leads to the birth of children with low birth weight, prematurity, or a miscarriage. Even passive smoking can cause these problems.

Do not drink much caffeine and soft drinks

In small doses, up to 300 ml per day (about a cup of coffee or glass of cola), caffeine is not harmful. Higher doses have a negative impact on both the health of the unborn child, as well as on the health of the mother. Therefore it is better not to abuse them. Carbonated lemonade can cause the active processes of fermentation in the gut, and irritable bowel trigger uterine contractions.

Be careful with chemicals

Pregnant better to take time off from using any of aerosols and cleaning agents (use regular soda), as well as stay away from the fumes of paint, solvents, gasoline and other strong chemicals. Resist the urge to make repairs in the apartment to bring a child into an updated apartment if you have no chance at this time to leave her.

Do not get carried away medicines. And it's not just pills. Even some seemingly innocuous dietary supplements or herbal tea can damage normal pregnancy.

Do not overheat or supercool

In the interest of the child's best to avoid sudden temperature changes. Should be avoided as hypothermia or overheating. Do not visit saunas and discard the hot tubs.

Avoid alcohol (not to mention drugs)

Doctors say that pregnant women there is no safe dose of alcohol. Alcohol prevents the flow of oxygen to the fetus, which may lead to a breach of its development.

Limit the use of technology

The space around us is literally permeated through electromagnetic waves, is bad for the fetus. Do not get carried away watching TV, talking on a cell phone, cooking in the microwave. Sit for hours at the computer counter from a very early date! In recent years, the number of grown up nondeveloping (missed) pregnancies. You can temporarily access the Internet, send mail to her friends, but not anymore. It is better to spend time for a stroll in the fresh air that will benefit both you and your unborn baby.

Exercise, but in moderation

Active lifestyle of healthy pregnant women are advised, even by doctors. However, the exercise should consult their doctor and instructor-led. The most useful exercise for pregnant women - walking. Here you can control the pace of training and their health. Strength training should be performed while sitting and with a little weight. Especially careful in pregnant you need to walk up the steps, it is on the stairs is easy to lose balance and fall.

Already feel restricted in all their rights? Look at all the restrictions only as a temporary inconvenience. Relax, stay calm and happy during those precious nine months. They will be so fast!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Fashionable Pregnancy - Tips Stylist Expectant Mothers

You are expecting a baby, but want to look stylish and modern? Remarkably, the pregnancy is incredibly decorated with a woman, she becomes more feminine and sexy, and your job - this fragile beauty of well-emphasized.

And if the first few months of pregnancy can you afford not to change clothes, then starting the month with the fifth or sixth belly becomes noticeable and a woman is forced to update its image and thus to feel attractive, because the positive emotions as needed pregnant! How to choose a wardrobe expectant mothers? This is what we'll talk in our today's article.

1. Clothes. Tips for pregnant stylist

Not all women are simply resign themselves to the lack of waist and rounded tummy, to purchase some "pregnant" clothing - a real stress in their representation of pregnant dress exclusively in unattractive hoodies and pants Carlson.

But this is not true, your particular situation gives you a huge selection! Clothes you can highlight your rounded tummy (if you prefer) or mask it correctly, but in any case the choice of stylish and contemporary dresses for expectant mothers is huge!

General Tips stylist expectant mothers:

Your "special position" slightly limits the number of styles that you can wear, but absolutely does not restrict the choice of color. Choose a bright and rich colors, at least one item of clothing should be bright - a jacket, tunic or a pair of accessories.

Forget about the heels! You can remember about them in particular cases, but try not to wear them regularly, as in pregnancy and so increases the load on the spine, and heels the load increases. Choose a bright and exciting ballet flats, moccasins, soft suede or leather boots or any shoes without a heel.

If you choose a neutral outfit, then make it more attractive to help bright accessories - handbags, shoes and costume jewelry.

If the stomach is almost invisible:

You can safely continue to wear the clothes that you wore before pregnancy. BUT! Give up the "hard" styles, from belts, tightening around the waist, tight-fitting jeans and trousers, prefer direct cut and soft tissues.

If the tummy is noticeable:

Purchase two pairs of jeans or trousers for women with elastic waistband in specialized stores. Do not skimp on them! This is - a very practical purchase, you can add them affordable tunics, shirts and jackets, and always look for new ways.

Buy A-shaped T-shirts, tunics and dresses. Behind them is not necessary to go to specialty stores, such tunics you can find in any store. Dresses can be worn by themselves, and can be combined with trousers or skirts.

Classics for pregnant women - dresses with high waist. They are not as boring as many people think, dress can be quite stunning - choose an interesting fabric (eg silk), interesting finish, or bright colors and patterns.

Buy a bright coat, trapeze, flared at the waist.

If you love the skirt, then wear them during pregnancy, but choose for a short time with low-waisted skirts, and at large - with an elastic waistband

2. Hairstyles for expectant mothers

Forget the old wives' signs that supposedly can not get a haircut and dye hair. Can and should be! Fashionable beautiful haircut uplifting to any woman, let alone a pregnant especially, the more that your child will benefit, because contented mother - a happy kid!

BUT! Hair coloring should be as gentle, do not poison yourself and your baby cheaper dyes, dye your hair need a good salon that uses professional hair color. In addition, you have a good salon quality color, and even visiting such stores - always pleasant emotions, so do not skimp on yourself and baby!

BUT! I do not advise during pregnancy dramatically change the hairstyle and hair color, because we all know that pregnant women are especially sensitive, and an unsuccessful haircut can permanently ruin your mood.

3. Makeup for pregnant women

Pregnancy - the time of hormonal changes, and not all future mothers can boast of such a moment a perfect skin. In this case, they usually rush to extremes - someone even throws away makeup and looks in the mirror, and someone puts a thick layer of makeup, trying to align the skin. Both of these approaches are wrong.

Make up the expectant mother is required, but the makeup light, which gives confidence in themselves and in their own attractiveness. Pimples can paint over a thin layer of concealer, skin, even out powder, use eyeliner, mascara and lipstick to tone darker than natural lip color.

BUT! Forget about the complex make-up play, multi-layered shadows, and dense textures of foundation and powder. The best choice for pregnant women - the easy, natural, almost invisible makeup

As you can see, the pregnancy - not a reason to quit stunning outfits, hairstyles and make-up, it opens up new opportunities and new and interesting images!

How to Preserve the Beauty and Health During Pregnancy

Pregnancy - is 9 months of happiness and beauty. Not by accident about a woman expecting a child, they say that it is all lit from within. Often during this period their husbands to notice the special charm of spouses and fall in love with her in new ways. Enveloping femininity of the future mother unwittingly attracts the eye.

To future baby develop properly under my heart my mother, you need to make it during pregnancy to feel comfortable. Of course, I figure, hormonal changes the body makes itself felt, back pain. Increases the load on feet, they swell, and because of the growing tummy uncomfortable to sleep.

In this difficult period, women often have mood changes due to the release of certain "pregnant" hormones. It happens that the tears welling themselves on the eye for no particular reason. You should not reproach myself, let's get a better look, incidentally simplify your life by using special devices for pregnant women.

Facial Care

There is a very big advantage: because of the hormonal shifts the skin becomes less oily and more tender. Revisit all the labels on your favorite creams, you may need to buy new ones for dry skin. Ideal - intensive moisturizer with herbal ingredients.

Pigmented spots on the face - is, of course, a big minus, but not a reason for frustration. Firstly, after childbirth, they will, and secondly, they can be avoided if careful not to appear in the sun. This is especially true for the 4 th month of pregnancy. You can still apply on face protection cream with UV protection. If the spots even appear, they are easy to disguise the foundation, just need to check beforehand if there is a allergic reaction to it.

All cosmetics are a better buy in the audited pharmacies or specialized shops - in your situation is not worth the risk.

Dental care

To make up for calcium deficiency, which is the "building blocks" for the bones of the future baby, the food should be consumed as much as possible products that contain calcium. This cottage cheese, cheese and milk. It would be nice to take a multivitamin prior consultation with your doctor. In this case, the subsequent problems with teeth and nails will not affect you. But when the first symptoms of ill health need as soon as possible to visit an experienced dentist, warning him about your "interesting position."

Body Care

Since the figure undergoes during pregnancy significant changes, the skin experiences a significant burden. Need moisturizers to increase skin elasticity and means preserving its elasticity. Body milk substitute olive oil or natural apple cider vinegar. If you do not forget every day, morning and evening light massaging movements to rub them into the skin of the abdomen, then you can avoid stretch marks. Also useful for special cream with collagen. And to avoid cellulite, we recommend to buy a special massager

which, incidentally, serve you well and after childbirth. Such a "long lasting" good is better to buy a serious, well-established firms.

With the growth of abdominal stretches not only the skin but also the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. Due to the omission of the stomach and changes the position of the fetus in the uterus. To prevent complications, to fix the fetus in the right, the longitudinal position, doctors are advised not to wear tight underwear, opt for wide-cut dress. Now you can choose a very stylish and interesting models, specifically designed for expectant mothers. Also, doctors recommend wearing a special bandage for pregnant women.

Thanks to him, abdominal skin is not so much stretch and abdominals will not flabby. By the way, wearing a brace to help reduce the load on the spine and at the same time relieve the pain in his back.

Understand the range and choose your desired type of bandage to pick it up in size to help salon professionals ORTEKA. In a single orthopedic background (tel. (495) 77-55-000), you may write to receive free medical. The bandage will be required for 5-6-th month of pregnancy and up to the birth. And after the birth of a baby, especially if it occurred by Caesarean section, recommend some time vilify postpartum bandage. By the way, he will help you get rid of stretch marks when they are still there. The bandage can be put on already at 7-10 days after birth. Incidentally, in the same cabin ORTEKA can be purchased and tumblers, and a stylish orthopedic shoes, which will help you to reduce the load on the spine and joints. Wearing it, you'll feel the difference, after all the expectant mother should feel secure. Orthopedic shoes ensures good stability (in fact pregnant changing center of gravity) and reduced the load on the forefoot. Legs are not so much tired and less swollen. High-heel shoes will leave for later, now wear it simply terrible.

During this period, you will help support tights special compression hosiery.

It offers an excellent prevention of varicose veins and improve blood circulation. In the salons a great selection of tights of different sizes. Various cosmetic companies also produce many products for pregnant women, for example, special gels and sprays to relieve tired feet. The gel is applied evenly on the entire surface of the legs 2 times a day, paying particular attention to ankles, and the spray can be used during the day. It is applied even in tights.

Physical load

On the necessity of physical education for expectant mothers know everything, the main thing - do not be lazy. You can study at home itself, but you can enroll in a fitness club in a special program for pregnant women. There are similar programs in the centers of yoga. Now very popular sports with gymnastic ball.

Huge balls, holds up to 1000 kg, very comfortable. Deal with them can be at any stage of pregnancy, and after childbirth, they will quickly regain its former elegance. Training strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, making childbirth and postpartum period will be much faster and easier.

But, nevertheless, before they enroll in a gym, check with your doctor: you should not exercise at risk of bleeding in pathologies of the genitourinary system, circulatory disorders, acute inflammatory diseases.

For a good night's sleep

A pregnant woman should sleep well and wake up rested in the morning. Here are some tips: at night should not load up, ventilate the room, bed linen should only be made of cotton or linen, as well as sleepwear. Sleep better on an orthopedic mattress and orthopedic pillows. With their help, saved natural physiological curvature of the spine, reached maximum relaxation, sleep becomes deeper.

Save the beauty of the breast

During pregnancy, breast cancer naturally increases. That they are not dropped, the need to wear a bra is a good quality of natural fabrics and do not release him even at night. With the growth of a breast change or bra size. Focus on the cup: they must be well encircle the mammary glands, and not squash them. Breast daily wash with warm soapy water and rub hard with a towel, because the time will come, and it should carry a greater load. Need to prepare the chest now.

By following these simple recommendations, you will fully enjoy a wonderful time of pregnancy, gave the world a healthy baby and become the happiest mom in the world!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Pregnancy: How to Get Rid of Anxiety

We all know that makes me nervous is very harmful, and do it during pregnancy - even more so. Because our mental state is reflected in an unborn baby. Hardly anyone today is the need to explain. But is it possible to completely do without the anxiety and stress during pregnancy? Of course not. But this does not mean that we should not aspire to.

If you happened to grief

Sometimes in our lives the tragic event - which killed or seriously injured people close to us, the family disintegrates. What usually hears a pregnant woman from the surrounding "consolation"? That's right - hold on, you can not get nervous. And how to keep? When life is such a stable and happy, suddenly gives a crack. Do not worry in such situations is impossible. Although described many instances when the mother as if falls into a kind of trance - she is not aware of the situation, feels no sorrow, absolutely calm. It is believed that this triggered a psychological defense against stress. But this is not always the case. And what if one side overwhelms the mountain, but on the other - a sense of guilt over the possible negative consequences for the child?

First of all, you need to know that you are entitled on the mountain. Pressure in itself emotions is not always possible and correct. But, given your position to try to reduce the impact of stress to a minimum. Be sure to consult your doctor and explain in general terms the situation - if necessary, he will help you to choose a safe sedative. Try to assign a time limit within which you have every right to grieve, to cry, remembering the past. Of course, without fanaticism. After this period, you should try to tune into a positive. And let the unborn child will not you reproach (nervous harmful), and the incentive (I'll be strong not only for themselves but for him - helpless and totally dependent on the mother substance).

For example, Natalia, which in mid-pregnancy, learned of plans to leave her husband and leave her for another woman, has decided for themselves that will cry for a failed family life for two weeks and not one day more, and in the evenings because the day to work. The first few days turned out badly - the tears dimmed his eyes constantly, reporting lines blurred, thoughts were confused. I had to think about how would have to raise a child without a husband, completely rebuild their lives, and this new fears, anxieties. But by the end of the deadline in my head cleared, the mountain gradually began to let go - it overshadowed new plans and hopes. Of course, the experience of Natalia did not disappear so quickly, but considerably weakened. When we are trying to "suppress" negative emotion at the root, then the result is an inner tension that occasionally breaks out with a vengeance. And the case usually does not make itself wait ...

How terrible to live

Yes, some during pregnancy to live is especially scary. After all, on the TV show, both in hospitals dying babies, and the woman next door child with cerebral palsy, and another, it turns out, animals can carry dangerous diseases during pregnancy ... and how knowing these horrors can not be nervous?

We do not encourage you to turn off the TV, Internet and newspapers to refuse. Although, sometimes it is not harmful. Still, to filter information and do not listen to horror stories that have happened with familiar friends. And some of the outrageous transfer does not really look better - truth and fiction there's usually exactly in half. Source of reliable information has become, above all, your doctor, to the selection of which should be approached with great responsibility. And better do it before pregnancy. A good doctor - a specialist of high category, with the experience of having numerous positive feedback from customers to whom you can trust. You can be their own, additional requirements for the doctor. For example, for some women is very important that they all explained in detail, especially to treat them delicately, if needed soothed. For other relatively short phrases doctor that everything is in order, and the details of a completely unnecessary. When a pregnant woman trusts selected specialists, it is much less worried about his health and the health of your baby.

But there are situations when your world's best doctor suddenly went to a conference abroad or on vacation, and it was replaced by a stranger you an expert. Can I trust him? And then, unfortunately, the results of tests like as not the norm, and some weird pimple on lip jumped ... What do I do? First, the pre-Speak with your doctor the possibility of such a situation. Let him tell you to competent, in his opinion, the doctor. Even better, if you have a phone number for your doctor - if necessary, to contact them.

Internet, by the way, is not always a source of stress. For example, you can get there support from other pregnant women. For this purpose there are special forums where you can continue to communicate with similar interests people, not only during pregnancy but also has given birth to a child. There is usually possible to see the reviews of experts, and leave your opinion. And sometimes the web, we find reassuring information that helps us pass the time before receiving a doctor.

For example, Helen, once for a short time with bleeding to the hospital, and already having the experience of an unsuccessful pregnancy, very worried for the future child. A doctor in a hospital designated treatment and gave direction to the analysis. As a result, one of the hormones was two times higher than normal. Of course, calm the pregnant woman is not increased. Not having received from the doctor at the hospital no explanation, Helen began to search for information on the World Wide Web. After analyzing several medical sources, she was surprised and relieved to find that pregnant women are not appointed to be tested at the elevated hormone (got another name "stress hormone") - they are absolutely not indicative. This information was confirmed later in a women's consulting physician, to whom Helen trusted. But the week that has passed since the receipt of "bad" analysis before discharge from hospital and doctor visits, in consultation, would be for a pregnant woman is very alarming. The cause of bleeding was also bursting at the neck of the vessel ...

I must say that even if something is really not the norm (tests, health), then it is an occasion not to panic and seek clarification from the doctor. Today is treated very much, and with minimal risk to the child. In addition, tests are usually done by people, not machines, and they, unfortunately, and indignation of many, sometimes err ... Therefore, when obtaining bad results is better to retake the analysis, perhaps even in another laboratory.

Yes, from anxiety to pregnant women is difficult to escape. But perhaps that is not required. After all, if some of the worries, you can simply look away, something else must look squarely in the face - and then they disappear in the face of the knowledge of experienced experts and your faith in the best.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

What is a Prenatal Education, or How to Give Your Child a Paradise?

Test. Two strips.
Life is!
Inside of you was born a new creature, yet quite small, but very brave and strong. After all, he has a long and fascinating road of development from one cell to a perfect body, and instead of a soul, to become a man!

What a pity that so often these little creatures do not originate in the Love of the Great and not in the thoughts of their creation, but just in sex, so bare and very unromantic. What a pity that not all moms and daddy think and take care of their babies before their birth, believing that these few cells still feel and understand what is happening can not, because not born, or because they simply can not be seen. But after only 5-6 weeks after conception have babies heart starts beating ...

So can feel the babies while still in the womb? Does the way the child was conceived as far proceeded safely, pregnancy and childbirth in the future develops? And if we can, ultimately, affect the character of our kids before they are born? Look at the facts.

In the 70 years of the twentieth century a new direction in science - Perinatal Psychology. In simple words, the perinatal psychology studies the effect of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period to further the character and inner qualities of people. Perinatal psychology come from allegations that develop inside the maternal womb of man has long-term memory. That is all that is happening during these periods (pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum period), the kid learns at the level of cellular memory, and based on this experience in future builds its relations with the world and yourself.

To begin with conception. Psychological studies confirm that welcome children conceived in love, have a greater life potential and acquire in the womb experience "paradise", which is crucial for a full-fledged human.

In the initial period of development (first trimester) is laid not only physical but also mental health, child and such important characteristics of personality as related to themselves and others, intellectual potential, pattern of behavior when faced with difficulties, and to some extent, nature and destiny of man . In many ways, it all depends on the emotional well-being of parents and, in particular, mothers baby.

Therefore, the reaction to his mother's pregnancy has a very strong influence on the little man. If rejection of this fact in the child a feeling reluctance and rejection, which, in turn, transformed into a feeling of uselessness. Born, these children are often asked: "Mom, you love me?"

Even worse is the case with a failed abortion. The kid who had undergone such an attempt, "knows" that his presence is undesirable, but his life is in danger. According to psychologists, he is going through its almost held on murder and horror of death with amazing accuracy. These children then often have suicidal thoughts, which are a direct projection of the mother's thoughts at the beginning of their common path.

That is, the perception of the child itself depends on the attitude of parents to him. If mom and dad love and say that he is the best, the baby will grow, blossom and bring joy. And that man's relation to itself begins to take shape in the womb.

For example, the unwanted children in addition to various deviations in health status (high incidence of respiratory diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia, enuresis, atopic dermatitis, ulcers) revealed a number of psychological characteristics that interfere with their adaptation to society. They often conflict, seeking to stand out, attract attention, which is their way of self-affirmation. They are prone to antisocial acts. Little People, past the first school of hatred and rejection, even in the womb, carry these feelings with each other and regularly "use" them in their lives. So people need to learn to be happy because in the womb of this experience, they have not received.

In addition, scientists have proved an interesting fact - the excessive desire to get the child of a particular sex (especially if that desire is not justified) is fraught with violations of sexual orientation rights in the future. In the end, maybe not so important who you will have: a boy or a girl?

Among other things, established that a child while in the womb, not only reacts to thoughts of mother, to change her emotions, but their lives together with her. Can you imagine what the kid feels, mother is in a fit of jealousy and rage hits the kitchen utensils? Since forming prenatal experience, which may well become dominant after birth.

It was found that with the greatest probability of mother to child transmitted to the emotional states such as fear - 60% Aggression - 54% crying - 59%. Thus, we can conclude that the probability of direct teaching these emotions!

But if negative emotions are transmitted, it means that we can talk about the opposite effect! If a baby is like, if mom and dad happy, but pregnancy is full of calmness and positive emotions, the baby absorbs only a positive experience, and thus learn to be loyal, tolerant, and responsive ... Anyway, the way his parents want to see! And to do this you need something - be yourself happy, showing by example that this condition is natural for him! Having survived the "paradise" mom in the tummy, the little man will grow up healthy and open to the world, it will be easier to adapt to new conditions, so - better to develop.

And if my mother would always talk to your baby, sing him songs, tell stories, draw pictures, "led" in a theater, a walk in the fresh air, exercise and think about how it wants to see: a healthy, beautiful, strong, intelligent and happy ...

If the period of fetal development largely determines the character traits of people, the process of childbirth, according to psychologists, often becomes a scenario of life. That is how the person was born, and will determine its actions (or inaction) in the future. After birth - this is the first challenge on the way baby, he should be able to overcome and emerge victorious.

In this vein, several important aspects:
The first - is the ratio of mother to leave. For a kid it is imperative that she was not afraid, but happy to be starting the process. After all, childbirth - first and foremost, partnerships mother-child, and here there is a question of confidence in people. Can a child with her mother and into the fire and into the water? And if not, then who to trust?
Second - the importance of passing the baby all stages of the generic process itself. Let me explain why.

Period of contractions seen the baby as a difficult situation from which he still sees no way out (fight intensified, and the cervix closed). Here's the important mother's support, not panic. If there is a positive perception of the parents of the situation, then the baby is aware that there are no insurmountable difficulties. Such an understanding of it and project the future life.

Period of any attempts (movement of the child through the birth canal) gives the kid experience to overcome these difficulties, struggle and activity. Such children grow their own, they realize that everything in their hands and therefore can not sit waiting for manna from heaven.

But babies born by Caesarean section, have no such experience. They are not able to overcome difficulties, often questioned in their abilities, and expecting someone to do the job for them. They are worse, and little ability to adapt to any restrictions.

Artificial stimulation of labor also affects the human psyche. As a result, grow up people who are skeptical about where they go and how to achieve their goals. They find it difficult to start a business because they always feel unprepared for this, and parents all the time necessary to stimulate them to action. But the planned delivery, so popular now, always carried out with the help of hormonal stimulation and in 80% of cases in the caesarean section. There is much to ponder, eh? Especially if you remember that the script is the birth of the future scenario of life.

And then it happened! He was born! So small and defenseless.

Psychologists say that post-natal period is very important too. How the child was received, it creates a basic trust in the world. If a child feels love, joy, not violence, if the first thing he feels - it's the caring hands of his father or mother, and so familiar, the sound of my mother's heart, his mind is formed by the perception of the world as a joyful, warm, welcoming and safe. And not that what we want for our children?

Love your kids from the first moment of conception (though better, of course, before that), care even before you see them personally grateful eyes, draw a picture of the Soul, sing them lullabies, tell tales, iron stomach - they all feel and understand . And then, having been born, they will reward your labors by their happy smiles, good health and active development! And what could be more beautiful and more desirable than to watch and rejoice as grows the most important man in the world - your child?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

How to Look Beautiful All 9 Months of Pregnancy?

My girlfriend looks at me with those big blue eyes and says that soon it will become a mommy. "The child is the child?" Amazement, I had forgotten the Russian language. "Aha" - nods my Natasha, why the white curls of her hair is ridiculous go up. "It's been a bad fit trousers, will soon have a wardrobe review. Here are just a denim overalls do not want to, they're all so very ... you know what." I know, I've seen.

In the women's clinic to meet a pregnant woman - not

rarity. But that's just every time I saw these floating through the corridors tum, became sad for some reason. Martyred physicians in blue denim overalls, they were more like baseball overinflated balls, rather than feminine moms. And is there any other way? It happens, but for this we must try. Firstly, it is useful for the psychological state of mothers, and of those who inside, too. Secondly, it is enough in the first place. In the beginning you have not quite on the way to a spherical image and can be quite ordinary things, without resorting to all sorts of d products of unknown origin. But somewhere along the belt will not converge, crushes, and prevent embarrassing. A most important condition in clothes for pregnant women - the convenience and security for both you and baby.

As for everyone there, "No way" and "Mona", the main ones are:

You can not wear things that put pressure on the abdomen, cutting the waist, tight, or simply inconvenient.

Discarded artificial fabrics, at the same time be careful with natural fur, and not just because Greenpeace guard the animals, but also because during pregnancy, such products can cause allergies.

Hosiery should gently support and envelop, and not dig into the skin and leave deep scars. In principle, this applies not only to pregnancy.

Shoes must be stable, poorly moving and comfortable. Heels better to postpone, if you well, very hard to part with such footwear, comfort themselves with the idea that low-heeled gait with altered you will not resemble a circus duck-age.

And most importantly, wear nice clothes, a variety of interesting colors. Child at all is very responsive, it is no wonder that there are entire institutes that are engaged in learning (teach a child before its birth).

But back to clothes. I decided to approach the issue more or less seriously. Still, not every day you have a girlfriend Puzata walks. Indeed the future does not put the know. So, firstly, is puzzled by the presence of special underwear. Such underwear on his designs and complexity is unlikely to yield the latest developments in aircraft.

When you create this miracle of technology we use modern technology and only natural, hypoallergenic materials. Bra is made, for example, a tissue that adapts easily to changes in the fullness of the breast. Bandages carefully maintain your rounded belly, allow you to avoid unsightly stretch marks and otherwise facilitate your pregnant life.

During this period, costs to acquire the whole swimsuit from the leading firms working for the benefit of moms, and subscription to the pool. Good for you and your future baby, remember, you take care now, not only about his health, but also about him.

Problems of quality and convenience, we have discussed, now let's talk about beauty. Firms that operate in this area, argue that the pregnancy - not a reason to give up their own style and the opportunity to be fashionable and beautiful. Basically, if you think about when there on you will be sent to as many views, so let's make sure that these views were ecstatic.

First, immediately remove the dull gray camouflage cloak. Yes, and not necessarily to hide from all your wonderful position. I do not remember in what language, but there is a very nice name for this time - in anticipation of joy. " So rejoice and frolic ... with bright colors, beautiful fabrics, interesting textures. Suppose you are stylish pants, capri pants, overalls, skirts, jackets, tunics, knit tops and sweaters are made in the actual colors of the season. Not necessarily change the whole wardrobe, enough skill to pick up a few things and combine them. Try to try some new style, take my husband his shirt, add accessories and you have the most feminine and beautiful mother in the world. For those who are fortunate enough to get a circularity in the warm season - sundresses, lightweight flying dresses, tunics, blouses with high waist. In the cold season - why not try a poncho and all there razletayki. In fact, designers recommend mums do not abandon their preferences in clothing and wearing those models that you would have worn in "normal" state.

Pregnancy is not a reason to refuse a vibrant and active life you lead before. You can follow the example of Hollywood stars and dress in elegant evening gowns of flowing matter, gently enveloping shape. Shimmering fabrics, unusual finish - all the same, only taking into account the outstanding parts of the body and desirable comfort for both of you.

There are very interesting, in my opinion, a new tradition - make a whole photo shoot and record themselves in such wonderful condition. After all, do not know when else you'll just look, and you'll have a whole set of photos on the memory, which are then able to show her baby.

Append the article, browse various photos of pregnant and find myself at the thought that I would not refuse one day become pregnant.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Why Pregnant Women Should Take A Multivitamin?

Any woman who gets up on the pregnancy registry, one of the first recommendations from your doctor gets reception multivitamin preparations. Is that so necessary?

According to the Institute of Nutrition, 70-80% of pregnant women in Russia are deficient in vitamins. After all, vitamins must be ingested daily, and achieve this, even the best and most nutritious food is problematic. During pregnancy, the mother works with the increased load, and vitamins are necessary not only him but also the future baby. The need for vitamins during pregnancy increases a half times. If a child lacks any substance required for growth and development, he takes these substances from the body of the mother. And if a sufficient amount of vitamins does not come with food?

The most common deficiency of vitamins B6 (100%), B1 (96%), folate (77%) and vitamin C (64%). Vitamin deficiencies during pregnancy can lead to serious consequences, which will be impossible to fix. Lack of vitamins B6 and B12 can cause toxicosis pregnant, vitamin A - to the evils of eye and urogenital system of the fetus, E and D - to rickets future baby, vitamin C and A - in the death of the fetus. With a lack of vitamin B, including folic acid, may have congenital malformations of the fetus, anemia, neural tube defect and heart disease.

Many drug companies that produce vitamins, began producing multivitamin complexes for pregnant women, containing not only vitamins but also minerals, required a pregnant woman. Drugs is becoming more and choice - is more difficult.

Choice of vitamin preparation for pregnant doctor should do, given the nutritional status of women and living conditions (for example, residents of the northern areas need more vitamin D, than the rest). To make it easier to figure out what exactly you are prescribed by a doctor, give the table a pregnant woman needs for vitamins. You can make your own count, some vitamins and minerals you're getting enough, and what needed to fill with food.

The daily requirement for vitamins adult and pregnant women:

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How to Choose the Right Clothes for the Expectant Mother?

Pregnancy - is the best time in a woman's life. This time when you are not thinking about the hated diets, sadly watching which way the needle will swing the balance. This is the time when you're not trying to hide her belly under the folds of clothing, but rather exposes it to the public, saying the world - two of us! This is the time when you're happy about every new centimeter at the waist. This is a time when you can do anything!

But sooner or later there comes a time when, because of these very centimeters you no longer can squeeze into your favorite jeans and an old dress, which was your great, bursting at the seams. It's time to change clothes!

In search of suitable clothing in order to save you, of course, you could make a raid on the dressing room her husband, mother or favorite aunt, but ... Are you sure you want to wear these shapeless shirts and colorful skirts? I'm sure it's not. Therefore, let's try to find something more suitable to your new position.

The first thing that you should pay attention when choosing a "pregnant" wardrobe, it's comfort. You and your baby should be comfortable in their new clothes, so no belts, straps and tight rubber bands - anything that squeezes and pulls the stomach. It is best to choose a model that can be easily adjusted by changing your shape. Dress with cross lacing at the back, sun-dresses with laces, jeans and pants with knit inserts on the sides or stomach - all these could not be better suited to your "interesting" situation.

When pregnancy is preferable to choose clothes made of natural fabrics (linen, cotton, wool, silk, chiffon). This applies to underwear, and to the upper plateau. Firstly, in-kind clothes, unlike the synthetic, the body "breathe", which greatly reduces the risk of overheating or hypothermia (which is in your present condition is highly undesirable). Second, you can avoid the various allergic reactions. And thirdly, such clothes are comfortable to wear and looks good.

For some reason, many clothes for the mother is associated with dimensionless skirts a la "woman on the kettle" or denim overalls a la "Carlson." And who only thought of a woman in rituals such a misunderstanding? In my opinion, such clothing not only looks terrible, she is also terribly uncomfortable and impractical.

No, the modern pregnant woman looks completely different. Not without reason fashion designers around the world every season produce special collections for new moms. In these collections there and jeans and tunics and sweaters and leather jackets - all the fashion hits designers to easily upgrade to the features of "pregnant" shape. Today you can afford almost everything! Here are some tips to remember when choosing fashion:

· No big pictures. Visually, they will make you a few times more than you really are.

• Avoid dark shades and inexpressive. They degrade the complexion.

· Choose clothing that emphasizes the bust line. This will distract attention from the stomach and will demonstrate excellent chest and shoulders.

· Choose the model that will be combined with each other in several ways. This will save on buying a lot of things.

When creating a new image, do not forget about the little things. Handbags, gloves, scarves, shawls, stoles, glasses - you should not hide it all until better times, it is useful to you now. With accessories, you can correct accents or merge into a unified whole fragmented image.

That is only with your favorite high heels have to part. Not only that they are unsafe and can provoke severe swelling, poor circulation and varicose veins. With a big belly and high heels make you look like the bun on stilts - ridiculous and absurd. So we'll have to buy a pair of shoes at a low speed, these shoes are good for the elegance and beauty in no way inferior to your favorite studs, and sometimes even exceeds them.

Pregnancy - is always beautiful. Pregnant and look cleaner and brighter blush, and laugh louder. And in order for the nine months you did not raise the slightest doubt in his own irresistible, pick yourself a fashionable and comfortable clothes. The most important thing in your state - it's peace of mind and good health.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It is Terrible to Become A Parent?

The birth of the baby - it's expected a miracle or an unforeseen circumstance? Each pair decides for himself when and how many children they are willing to have. We just try to understand where does the desire to have children ...

Today, many young people live together without worrying about the children for many years. First, you need to make a career, to establish family life, and in general - even when using the independence, if not in their youth? Fortunately, with modern methods of contraception problems with the "move aside" the pregnancy does not occur. And with the development of relationships and develops a desire to have a baby. Well, there is a time to reflect on their own capabilities.

Despite the large amount of information about pregnancy and childbirth, fear of becoming parents - this is perfectly normal and common occurrence for young people. This fear manifests itself in different ways: people are afraid to give birth to an unhealthy child, not be able to properly care for him, losing his own freedom, as well as losing harmony with the advent of the child. But these fears can be easily overcome if we just engage in a dialogue.Both men and women suffering his natural anxiety associated with the desire to have a baby. Often, people just are not ready to take care of the little man, and sometimes they realize it's too late - when a woman is already pregnant.

I dream of a child

A woman wants a baby from a loved one to prove their loyalty and love for him. Therapist Annie Butler wrote: "The maturity of a woman lies in her ability to live separately from his mother. Have their own child - that means the most to become a mother, that is, to some extent, cease to be a child for his mother. "

For a man to father - is a mature step, leading to a reassessment of values in life or enrich their own personalities.

Biological clock

20 years ago it was thought that the activity of eggs from women is reduced to 25 years, that is just before this time it is worth thinking about how to acquire offspring. Today, let alone 29 years. But all the same "ideal" age for childbirth for every woman is different. The most successful period between the creation of the pair and the birth of a child - 3 years. Dr. Emil Papernik explains: "In order to get pregnant at age 20 missing 4 months, and in 27 years - to 8 months. He also said that the biological clock - is not a myth, and this should be remembered.

When he was born

Some parents are going through their best years after the appearance of small, and others - are bred in the first two years of life of their offspring. Even if a child is long awaited, his birth, there are many conflicts and misunderstandings between the parents. Why? Annie Butler explains: "There is a huge difference between an imaginary child, is a kind of continuation of self-esteem" of parents, and the real. That is why the pair and are experiencing post-partum relationship crisis.

During the first few weeks or months, mother and child are in a natural symbiosis. For my father - is another matter. He feels that his place next to a woman employed, they need to align this failure and to restore its position. The birth of the child emphasizes the difference of the sexes. But on this principle and built a family.

Have a child - this obligation?

Desire to have children. Often it is influenced by society, environment, family. Our natural desire is mixed with a sense of duty. It's a trap. We are caught between their own desire to have a child and the duty to have it. It is the instinct of survival. The desire to have a child provokes a complete overhaul of mental and emotional evaluation of the events that send us to our own history.

Psychoanalyst Elisabeth Darsham wrote: "Our parents in early childhood are preparing ourselves to become a mother or father for her child. They lay in the subconscious sense of duty to give birth to offspring. " But some women do not take this team, considering that it is impossible to wish your child when you yourself can not (or do not want to) give up their own status of the child.

The art of being together

Many couples break up with the birth of a child. Why we can not survive these shocks as easily as our ancestors did? Aldo Nauru, a pediatrician and author of "couple and a child, says: c birth couple ceases to be a proper pair, three of them now! Therefore, parents need a lot of energy and patience to stay together. Love gives us strength to overcome all difficulties.

What is the Rh Factor, and Why Developing Rhesus Conflict?

Rh factor - is an antigen contained in red blood cells. For the first time the substance was discovered by Australian scientists Karl Landsteiner and American scholars, AS Wiener Blood Monkey "rhesus monkeys, it is this animal antigen owes its name.

Rh factor (a protein) is located on the surface of red blood cells, red blood cells. Its presence or absence determines their belonging to the Rh-positive (about 85% of the population) or Rh-negative group (10-15% of the population).

Blood "Rh positive" and "Rh negative" people is not compatible. After contact with rhesus

factor in the blood, "Rh-negative" human antigen causes the formation of antibodies that can result in such severe condition as anaphylactic shock (one of the most dangerous and challenging complications of drug allergy, ending at about 10-20% of cases lethal).

Reckon with the Rh-factor we have only two cases: when a blood transfusion and pregnancy. In the first case, we can avoid complications, pouring blood, respectively, and each group and Rh factor.

But during pregnancy is much more serious. True, the probability of Rh-conflict pregnancy occurs, if the expectant mother Rh-negative, and the future Pope Rh-positive and the child inherits the Rh-positive gene from the father.

The cause of Rhesus-conflict is the incompatibility of maternal blood and fetal Rh-factor. When Rh-positive red blood cells enter the bloodstream of the child Rh-negative mother, her body perceives fetal red blood cells as foreign and reacts to the production of antibodies. At first pregnancy (and sometimes on second), their concentration in blood is relatively low and the embryo develops without experiencing harmful effects of these antibodies.

In future pregnancies are quite different: the concentration of antibodies more and more increasing, due to the small size they are able to freely cross the placenta into the bloodstream of the fetus, their action is aimed at eliminating erythrocytes baby. Red blood cells are destroyed, and the child develops hemolytic disease, anemia (anemia), as well as edema, liver damage, heart and brain.

To this complication has not occurred after childbirth and abortion Rh-negative women within 72 hours (preferably during the first two hours), be sure to enter a special immunoglobulin that does not allow to produce antibodies to Rh antigen. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy or abortion, it is administered immediately after surgery. Failure to comply with terms of the introduction effect of the drug to be ineffective.
Unfortunately, the immune globulin is only effective against Rh-antigen "D", but there are also other types, so the absolute guarantee of the immunological conflict there.

If the expectant mother stood on the record before the 12th week of pregnancy, doctors are finding out remaining in her body antibodies from previous pregnancies. Re-inspection is performed at the 25 th and 36 th week. If antibodies are detected, the woman referred for consultation in the Perinatal Center, where qualified professionals decide how to continue to pregnancy and childbirth. Also in need of counseling all women who have a previous birth infants suffered hemolytic disease of any kind.

Expectant mothers, remember: it is always easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, before the planned first pregnancy, take care of your kids - find out what your spouse and rhesus origin.

If a husband and wife are both "negative", that means no risk - a child born of the same. It happens that the Rh-positive husband, both genes are present - and the plus and minus. Then the probability of birth Rh-positive baby in a "negative" mother - a fifty-fifty. If the Pope - the support of two Rh-positive genes, the child will always have a positive Rh factor is the probability of the immunological conflict with the "negative" mother.

Health to you and your baby!